Content Posted in 2024
125 N Alta Ave., Anna Gooch
127 is BACK!, Paul A. Djupe
127::Year 1::A Retrospective, Paul A. Djupe
127::Year TWO::A Retrospective, Paul A. Djupe
20, Maggie Malin
2015 Nobel Laureates, Nora Newcomb
2084 Quartet, Book 1, Kirk Combe
2084 Quartet, Book 2, Kirk Combe
500 Milligrams for Arachnophobia, 1000 for the Ex-Wife: The Science of Memory Erasure, Elie Goldberg
5,313 mi, Malina Infante
A Brief History of Diabetes: From Antiquity to the Renaissance, Gabriel Hitchcock
Abstract Entities, Sam Cowling
A comparison of operating systems courseware, Mikey Goldweber, John Barr, Tracy Camp, John Grahm, and Stephen Hartley
A Crash Course in Migraines, Joy Udoh
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Rhetoric Utilized by Moms for Liberty, Mary Beshuk and Herlinda Contreras
Advancements in HIV Detection, Rachel Budker
Advice for Eleatics, Sam Cowling
Aesthetics for enigmatologists, Sam Cowling
A framework for enhancing the social good in computing education, Mikey Goldweber, John Barr, Tony Clear, Renzo Davoli, and Samuel Mann
African Peace Traditions and Resistance to Colonial Rule, Joanna T. Tague
After David Baker, Robert Garber
Against The Grain, Dayna Gallagher and Jenn Feigin
a hard day's work, Mia Fischel
AI is Catching Up to Your Doctor: AI’s role in Diagnosing, at Treating, and Discriminating, Caleb Rader
Air Pollution Affects More than just Global Warming: Environmental Factors Relating to Autism, Jessica John
AI Use is Growing, Paul Djupe
AI Use on Campus, Paul Djupe
Alaska, Caroline Lopez
Alcoholism in its True Nature: The Cause and Effect of Marketing Failures and Successes on Women and Underaged Youth, Maren T. McIlvaine-Newsad
a little spot of green in a big red world, Maarten Lempia
Alohamora! Unlocking Magic with the Wonders of Science, Anna Dardick
Alone, Emma Hunter
Always Running, Caroline Lopez
Among the Stars, Jack Richards
And from this slumber you too shall wake, Malina Infante
A New Key to Sustainable Farming: A New Wave of Pesticides has the Potential to Change Farming, Michael E. Harvey
A new perspective on teaching computer literacy, Mikey Goldweber, John Barr, and Chuck Leska
An Examination of the Impact of Certain Factors on University Protests Against the Vietnam War, Ethan James
Animal Advice: Hibernation Habits, Mia Dawson
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Understanding Income Inequality, Linh Luu
An Interview with Erik D. Herzog, Willa Kerkhoff
An Interview With Harold Varmus, Daniel Starer-Star
An interview with Laura A. McLay, PhD, Willa Kerkhoff
An Interview With Lisa Randall, Sujoy Bhattacharyya
An Interview with Marcello Vinces, Willa Kerkhoff
An Interview with Michael R. Loose, Gabriel Hitchcock
An Interview with William Fuchsman: The Life and Work of Oberlin's Retiring Chemistry Professor, Lizzie Roberts
Antibodies: The Immune System's Post-Apocalyptic Preppers, Katiasofia Gonzales
An Unbridled Search for Logic: Four Studies of Husserl's Logical Investigations (1900–01), Zachary Joachim
An Urgent Need for Classroom Support: Uncovering Developmental Dyslexia’s Effect on Classroom Anxiety, Susan Robinson-Cloete
Apathy, Anna Northington Jones
A Personality Profile for the Liberal Arts, Paul A. Djupe
Appliance Science: Microwaves and Refrigerators, Lizzie Roberts
Approval, Anxiety, and Alcohol: an Exploration of Problematic Drinking with College Students, Briella Baer
A Prescription for Deceit: Pharmaceutical Frauds’ Dangerous Side Effects, Calvin McMurtrey
a preview of 127, Paul A. Djupe
A Ram for Thomas, Amaya Willems
A randomized controlled trial of the Happy, Healthy, Loved personalized text-message program for new parent couples: impact on breastfeeding self-efficacy and mood, Erin J. Henshaw, Marie Cooper, Teresa Wood, Sanchita Krishna, and Marie Lockhart
Are Better Students Grittier?, Paul A. Djupe
Are Denisonians Open to Hearing the Other Side?, Paul A. Djupe
Are Denisons in a Political Bubble, Miles Williams and Paul Djupe
A report on the use of HyperTalk in CS1 within a liberal arts setting, Mikey Goldweber
Are Republicans Resurging, Paul Djupe
Are Sheep and Plants the Future of Solar? Oberlin College Agrivoltaic Project, Sydney Rosensaft
Are there Partisan Rebels Anymore? Whither Alex P. Keaton, Paul A. Djupe
Are We Entering a Post-Antibiotic Era? Tracking the Rise of the Superbug, Tara Santora
A river by any other name: Ganga/Ganges and the postcolonial politics of knowledge on Wikipedia, Sangeet Kumar
A road map for teaching introductory programming using LEGO© mindstorms robots, Pamela B. Lawhead, Michaele E. Duncan, Constance G. Bland, Mikey Goldweber, and Madeleine Schep
Arsenic in Victorian Britain: A Primary Source Analysis, Izzi Howard
Articulation as a Site of Discursive Struggle: Globalization and Nationalism in an Indian Media Debate, Sangeet Kumar
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Music: Musicians Using Techology to Streamline the Creative Process, Sam Fisher
“As If I Were Buried Beneath These Words”: An Exploration of Power, Voice, and the Female Corpus, Grace Lukens
Assimilation, Khoa
Association between sociodemographics and change in alcohol or tobacco use behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic, Selam Habtemariam, Chloe M. Hery, Xiaochen Zhang, Mengda Yu, Darren Mays, Toyin Adeyanju, Brittany Bernardo, and Electra D. Paskett
A Statistical Analysis of Drug Seizures and Opioid Overdose Deaths in Ohio from 2014 to 2018, David White, Lam Tran, and Lin Ma
A Statistical Analysis of Drug Seizures and Opioid Overdose Deaths in Ohio from 2014 to 2018, David White, Lam Tran, and Lin Ma
A Tavola, Malina Infante
A Toast, Jules Rizzo
A Transpacific Imagination of Theology, Ethics, and Spiritual Activism, Keun-joo Christine Pae
Audre Lorde’s Erotic and a Love Ethic: Contesting Pornographic Scripts, Noah Chartier
Aurora Borealis — not BORE-alis! The Northern Lights’ Ancient Legends and Scientific Wonders, Anadi Purewal-Legha
Back Cover, Erin Adair
Basic Statistics, David White
Before Asylum and the Expert Witness, Joanna T. Tague
Beyond Ancient Societies: Medical Practices that Draw Parallels, James Lee
Beyond RGB: a genetic mutation widens our perception of the visual spectrum, Marisa Aikans
Beyond the Binary: An Exploration of the Implications of Gender Binaries in Fashion and Choice, Taylor Hardin
Beyond the Factory Floor: Unveiling the Complex Lives of Young East and South Asian Factory Workers, Lia Coplin
Big Inheritance: Essays, Kt Amrine
Biology’s Obsession with Drosophila melanogaster: Your Everyday Fruit Fly— Or is it?, Purba Tyagi
Body Shop, Mia Fischel
Book Review: Aswin Punathambekar, From Bombay to Bollywood: The Making of a Global Media Industry, Sangeet Kumar
Book review: Essence and Existence: Selected Essays, Sam Cowling
Book review: Monique A. Bedasse. Jah Kingdom: Rastafarians, Tanzania, and Pan-Africanism in the Age of Decolonization, Joanna T. Tague
Book Review: Sex and the Family in Colonial India: The Making of Empire by Durba Ghosh, Sangeet Kumar
Book Review: Thussu, D. K. (2007). News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment., Sangeet Kumar
Born Again Venus, Emma Baum
Bowen Ferry, Georgia R. Knox
BPA Here, There, Everywhere, Jane Sedlak
Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression: A Review of Relationships and Potential Mechanisms, Erin J. Henshaw
Bugs and Calamity, Julia Rizzo
Building Blocks, Rita Costa
Business Casual, Georgia R. Knox
Bystander, Anna Northington Jones
can we rethink campus free speech debates?, Paul A. Djupe
Care Ethics Outside of the Classroom: What Does Care Look Like in Domestic Violence Shelter Work?, Jaci D. Hershberger
Carl Linnaeus: Conceited Genius or Just Conceited?, Anah Soble
Changing Majors: The Law of Unintended Consequences, Paul A. Djupe
Charting an Itinerary for Postcolonial Communication and Media Studies, Sangeet Kumar and Radhika Parameswaran
Chili in the Woods, William Barnes
Chiropracty: Medicine or Mysticism?, Connor McCleskey
Choose a Major, Plug Into Life, Paul A. Djupe
Choose a Major, Plug Into Life, Paul A. Djupe
Chronic Stress: The Unwanted Evolutionary Gift, Lizzie Roberts
Cleaning Kenya's Rivers, Anna Dardick
Clear the Kitchen Table: An Investigation of Painting and Sewing in Domestic Spaces, Ava L. Peterson
Cliff Climbers: Getting a Grasp on Migratory Eels, Paris Achenbach
Climate Change in the Media: Adapting to a Skeptical Audience, Brooke Ortel
Climate Change Quarrels: scientists sweat to make climate change research accessible, Duncan Reilly
Collective Body, Alexandra E. Andres
Coloring the Cosmos: Astrophotography Explained, Sky Kalfus
Come Sail Away With Me To The Stars: How Solar Sails Might Someday Bypass Our Need For Fuel, Jacob Turner
Commiment to Wokeness on Campus, Paul A. Djupe
Community Conservation Works! A Success Story in Reforesting Australia’s Wet Tropics, Soleil Laurin, Clara Sorensen, Shannon McCord, and Hunter Miles
Computer Science Curricula 2023, Amruth N. Kumar, Rajendra K. Raj, Sherif G. Aly, Monica D. Anderson, Brett A. Becker, Richard L. Blumenthal, Eric Eaton, Susan L. Epstein, Mikey Goldweber, Pankaj Jalote, Douglas Lea, Michael Oudshoorn, Marcelo Pias, Susan Reiser, and Christian Servin
Computer science education for social good, Mikey Goldweber
Computing for the social good in education, Johanna Blumenthal, Richard Blumenthal, Mikey Goldweber, and Lisa Kaczmarczyk
Computing for the social good in education, Mikey Goldweber, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, and Richard Blumenthal
Conceivability arguments for haecceitism, Sam Cowling
Connection, Maggie Jones
Conserved Structure for Single-Stranded Telomeric DNA Recognition, Rachel Mitton-Fry, Emily M. Anderson, Timothy R. Hughes, Victoria Lundblad, and Deborah Wuttke
Consultation Reflections for "Normativity as the Root of Secrecy and Moral Degeneration in Ellen Hart’s A Whisper of Bones", Ava King and Lauren Ehlers
Consultation Reflections for "The Ethics of Getting Dressed", Charvi Beniwal and Henry Shaw
Consultation Reflections on "Beyond the Binary: An Exploration of the Implications of Gender Binaries in Fashion and Choice", Taylor Hardin and Juliana Zeller
Consultation Reflections on "'Disability Porn': A CBS Sunday Morning News Special", Tahlia Little and Henry Shaw
Consultation Reflections on "Transgender Women in the Athletic World", Corvus Endo and Tenzin Kunga
Contagious memes, viral videos and subversive parody: The grammar of contention on the Indian web, Sangeet Kumar
Contamination and Hatchability of the California Clapper Rail: A Review, Elisa C. Henderson
Corporate Conceptualization and Use of “Sustainability”: a Critical Discourse Analysis, Leif Gajkowski
Crossword Corner, Gabriel Hitchcock and Martin Mancini
Crossword Corner, Rachel Dan
Crossword Corner, Rachel Dan
Cruzin' with Yolanda: The Life and Research of the Biology 100 Icon
CS2023 in 3.5 Short Points, Mikey Goldweber
Curated Zones: Musical Possession and Colonial Identity Expression in Early 20th Century Cairo through “The Sphinx: English Illustrated Weekly 1892-1947”, Gabriel Donnelly
Curious Eyes, Nina Downing
Dancing with Dopamine: How Raves Enhance Focus and Increase Wellbeing, Ania Ocasio
Dark Matter, Rachel Budker
Data Science in Undergraduate Life Science Education: A Need for Instructor Skills Training, Nathan C. Emery, Erika Crispo, Sarah R. Supp, Kaitlin J. Farrell, and Andrew J. Kerkhoff
David Eagleman: A Renaissance Man of Modern Neuroscience, Francis Lawrence
Day one of the objects-first first course, Joe Bergin, Mike Clancy, Don Slater, Mikey Goldweber, and David B. Levine
Dear Man, Antonia Baylor
Dear Miss Dickinson (Response to ““Hope” is the thing with feathers” by Emily Dickinson), Antonia Baylor
December Yellow, Moriah Aberle
Decorative Deterioration: the science of fall colors
Deep Light, Olivia Lynn Bernard
demeter in autumn (flowers on the frozen ground), Eliana Lazzaro
Denison 2018 Midterm Voter Turnout!, Paul A. Djupe
Denison 2018 Midterm Voter Turnout!, Paul A. Djupe
Denison Grit, Paul A. Djupe
Denison Grit, Paul A. Djupe
Denison is a Powder Keg? Free Speech in Crisis, Paul A. Djupe
Denison is a Powder Keg? Free Speech in Crisis, Paul A. Djupe
Denison Trump Approval UP Slightly at the 2018 Midterms, Paul A. Djupe
Department-wide Multi-semester Community Engaged Learning Initiative to Overcome Common Barriers to Service-Learning Implementation, Kathleen Timmerman and Mikey Goldweber
Developing a digital library of computer science teaching resources, Scott Grissom, Deborah Knox, Elana Copperman, Wanda Dann, and Mikey Goldweber
Development of the Life Story in Early Adolescence, Kristina L. Steiner and David B. Pillemer
Dionaea muscipula, Venus flytrap: A Case Study in Adapting to Environmental Imperfection, Kat O'Melia
“Disability Porn”: A CBS Sunday Morning News Special, Tahlia Little
Discovering New Therapeutic Uses, Nate Bohm-Levine
Displaced agents of development: Mozambican refugees and tanzanian nation-building projects, 1964-1975, Joanna T. Tague
Displaced Mozambicans in Postcolonial Tanzania, Joanna T. Tague
Do Denisonians Have Wild Perceptions of Who Faces Discrimination, too?, Paul A. Djupe
Does the Campus Like Our President?, Paul A. Djupe
Do honeybees act as pollen thieves or pollinators of Datura wrightii?, Andy McCall, Sarah K. Richman, Eric Thomson, Monica Edgerton, and Skyler Jordan
Do lego mindstorms robots have a future in CS education?, Myles McNally, Mikey Goldweber, Barry Fagin, and Frank Klassner
Don't Be Deficient: Getting a Dose of Vitamin D, Sesha Nandyal
Do Relationships Still Make Great Colleges?, Paul A. Djupe
Drown Ur Sorrows, Rita Costa
Dr. Regina Benjamin, Willa Kerkhoff
Dusk at Swasey Chapel, Colin Nguyen
Eat Strong: Diet and Nutrition, Helen Rich
Echolocation-Location-Location: Acousics, Mammals, Technology, Mammals, and Military, Anadi Mehal Purewal-Legha
Effects of co-incubation of LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages on leptin production by 3T3-L1 adipocytes: a method for co-incubating distinct adipose tissue cell lines, Cristina Caldari and Jordan Beck
Electric Avenue Why the Marxist Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet., Maya Ordóñez Landsberg
Elegy, Georgia R. Knox
Elevator to Heaven: Are Elevators the Future of Space Travel?, Oliver Meldrum
Elizabeth Kolbert: Mythbusting the Link between Vitamin C and the Common Cold, Willa Kerkhoff
Embodying Antiracist Christianity, Keun-Joo Christine Pae and Boyung Lee
Energy Drinks: Calling Bull on Taurine, Connor McCleskey
Energy Drinks: The Scourge of Studying?, Paul A. Djupe
Enhancing the operating systems course using the MPS or chip hardware simulator, Mikey Goldweber
Enhancing the social issues components in our computing curriculum, Mikey Goldweber, Renzo Davoli, Joyce Currie Little, Charles Riedesel, and Henry Walker
Essays about Azolla, William Barnes
Euripidean Paracomedy, Craig Jendza
Eurydice, Rebecca Hurtado
Everlasting Organisms, Alix Jason
Examining Three American Accounts of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, Duncan W. Jones
Excerpt from Deep Light, Olivia Bernard
Exile Vol. LXIX, Moriah Aberle, William Barnes, Antonia Baylor, Annika J. Bruce, Abby Conturo, Rita Costa, S.A. Culyer, Lauren Ehlers, Cordero L.M. Estremera, Mia Fischel, Robert Garber, Brin Glass, Anna Gooch, Eliza Hughes, Rebecca Hurtado, Malina Infante, Anna Northington Jones, Maggie Jones, Georgia Reese Knox, Eliana Lazzaro, Maarten Lempia, and Caroline Lopez
Exile Vol. LXVII, Sara A. Rashed, Liz Anastasiadis, Anna Berman, Rylee Betchkal, Amber Blaeser-Wardzala, Elsie Bunyan, Jessica Crabtree, Adam Frost-Venrick, William Kelsey, Grace Kennedy, Joanne Lee, Yuan Liu, Alexis Noga, Izzy Ostrowski, Ellie Schrader, and Emily Waters
Exile Vol. LXVIII, David Baker, Tomás Brockett-Delgado, Annika J. Bruce, Colleen Boyle, Rita Costa, Talia Ferguson-Nieves, Seyeong Hanlim, Ray Hsu, Malina Infante, Tenzin Kunga, Pol Le, Sophie LeMay, Emma Lumsden, Zoe Pettersen, Jules Rizzo, Zoe Schlosser, Fabrizio Vassallo, and Amaya Willems
Exile Vol. LXX, Alexandra E. Andres, Emma Baum, Kate Blue, Juan Chaides Hurtado, Rita Costa, Nine Downing, Lauren Ehlers, Mia Fischel, Anna Gooch, Caden Hazelton, Malina Infante, Anna Northington Jones, Khoa, Georgia Reese Knox, Elizabeth Koeppen, Fiona Kogan, Eliana Lazzaro, Eli Lishak, Sofia Monteleone, and Amaya Willems
Exile Vol. LXXI, Victoria Bambara, William Barnes, Kate Blue, Olivia Bernard, Rita Costa, Jenna Cutlip, Talya Dersu, Lauren Dyer, Brin Glass, Anna Gooch, Moose Hogeland, Emma Hunter, Rebecca Hurtado, Malina Infante, Anna Northington Jones, Ramatu Kamara, Khoa, Liberty Kingsley, Eliana Lazzaro, Maggie Malin, Emily McNeal, Colin Nguyen, Jack Richards, Jules Rizzo, Mia Rubiera, Marissa Sullivan, and Amaya Willems
Exploring the Mysteries: Personal Religion in Ancient Greece, Eliana Lazzaro
Exploring the Need for Community Gardens in Licking County, Ohio, Jacob Eppley
Exploring the Puzzle of BPD: The Stigma of Borderline Personality Disorder, Ellie Rapp
External Projects and Partners: Addressing Challenges and Minimizing Risks from the Outset, Stan Kurkovsky, Chad A. Williams, Mikey Goldweber, and Nathan Sommer
Extractions, Lauren Ehlers
Extraverts Have All the Mentors, Paul A. Djupe
Fade to White, Georgia R. Knox
Fags on the Natchez, Sofia Monteleone
Fantastic Fungi, Zoe Lye
Farewell to the Community, Keun-Joo Christine Pae
Featured Artist: Sara Fields, Sara Fields
Female Power & Agency In Animal Behavior, Nicole Le
Field Notes from the Climate, Stephen Lezak
Filling in the Gaps: Mis/Communication Between a Campus Title IX Office and Student Sexual Respect Organizations, Talia Raider-Roth
Finding Peace with Puberty: The Importance of Increasing Puberty-Related Dialogue in Athletics, Amber Borofsky
For the Love of Orgo, Holden Lai
Fostering a creative interest in computer science, Gary Lewandowski, Elizabeth Johnson, and Mikey Goldweber
Four reflections on the history of ITiCSE, Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Mats Daniels, Mikey Goldweber, and Judy Sheard
Free Speech vs Hate Speech at Denison, Paul A. Djupe
From Thought to Expression: The Importance of Style in Philosophy, Zhijing Liang
Frontiers of Cross-Modal Display: The Emoti-Chair as a Model Human Cochlea, Adrian Jewell
Front Matter, Gabriel Hitchcock
Galileo Galilei: Teacher, Astronomer, Heretic, Gabriel Hitchcock
Genetic Discovery Improves Therapy Effectiveness, Carly Oddleifson
Getting Sprung: Biological Underpinnings of Spring Fever, Cynthia McKelvey
gilgamesh (fossils in the stream), Eliana Lazzaro
Ginger to the Rescue!, Sesha Nandyal
GMOs, Nate Bohm-Levine
God and Necessity by Brian Leftow, Sam Cowling
God’s Mission for Empowerment in Communities, Yahir Fernandez-Alvarez
Google Earth and the nation state: Sovereignty in the age of new media, Sangeet Kumar
Grasping at Oblivion, Tanisha Shende
Green Promise or Environmental Threat?: Corn Ethanol’s Positive and Negative Effects, Sydney Rosensaft
Haecceitism, Sam Cowling
Haecceitism for Modal Realists, Sam Cowling
Hallowed Things, Sofia Monteleone
Hard-Boiled Queer Detective Fiction, Ava King
Has Commitment to Public Service Weakened in the Trump Era?, Paul A. Djupe
Her, Anna Gooch
"Hey Max, jump.", Eli Lishack
Hialeah Heat, Rebecca Hurtado
Hillary Pan, Gabriel Hitchcock and Eydon Thomashow
His Homeless Heroes, Cordero L.M. Estremera
Historical perspectives on the computing curriculum (report of the ITiCSE '97 working group on historical perspectives in computing education), Mikey Goldweber, John Impagliazzo, Iouri A. Bogoiavlenski, A. G. Clear, and Gordon Davies
Hollywood Gold Rush Forever, Marissa Sullivan
Honors Research, Matt Hartsock, Sam Asinof, Sage Aronson, and Yuhua Lu
Honors Research, Sarah Page, Daniel Lowes, Gabe Moore, and Weelic Chong
Honors Research, Erica Morelli, Talia Greenberg, Laura Messman, and Ren Wiscons
Honors Research, Jake Nash, Nate Wehr, Laura Shriver, and Carly Oddleifson
Honors Research: Featured Research by Oberlin College Students, Lisa Learman, Stephanie Atwood, and Ashley Ratigan
How democratic is the US according to Denisonians?, Paul A. Djupe
How Did Denison Vote?, Paul A. Djupe
How do Denisonians Feel about Lacrosse on Campus, Paul A. Djupe
How Do Student Views on Foreign Policy Compare to Professors, Miles Williams
How Many Students are in Long-Distance Relationships?, Paul A. Djupe
How Often Does DU Change Their Major?, Paul A. Djupe
How Should Faculty Public Engagement COUNT?, Paul A. Djupe
How The Human Body Interacts with Religion: Religiously, Artistically, and Politically, Portia Brackley
How to Be a Superhero, Kate Blue
HOW TO BE OMNIPRESENT, Sam Cowling and Wesley D. Cray
How to Die: The Limits of Modern Medical Technology, Katrina Lettang
How To Make A Mars Colony, Jason Rosenblum
Ideological parsimony, Sam Cowling
Ideology and Ontology, Sam Cowling
If You're Happy And You Know It, Check This Box, Samsun Knight
IMG_0143, Rita Costa
Imhotep: Demigod or Doctor?, Anna Dardick
Immunity Revolution: Training Innate Immunity for Enhanced Defense, Minh Tran Ha
Implanting the Future at your Fingertips: The Epitome of Advancements in Bio Wearables, Jungsuk Lee
Importance, Interconnectedness, and Challenges: Co-management Mechanisms for Regional Conservation Areas in Loreto Peru, Sky Milstein
Importance of Access Deregulation of HIV Prevention Services in Tennessee, Rene Garrett
In 2012, Rita Costa
Increasing Lightning: How Man-made Airborne Particles are Effecting Extreme Weather Events Over the Amazon Basin, Natalie Pierson
Induced alignment and measurement of dipolar couplings of an SH2 domain through direct binding with filamentous phage, Deanna Dahlke Ojennus, Rachel Mitton-Fry, and Deborah S. Wuttke
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Michael Mancini
Inquiry, value, and some peculiarities of the Pyrrhonist’s psychology, Chelsea Bowden
In Search of Shell Space: A Look at a Unique Sea Turtle Nesting Behavior, Mia Dawson
Inside Aphasia: A Deeper Dive into Brain Injuries' Impact on Language, Keesha Joseph
Instantiation as location, Sam Cowling
Integration and Perception of Migrants into American Civil Religion, Leza Paveleva
Interest in the Midterm Elections is WAAAAY Down, Paul A. Djupe
Interview with a Martian: Mars One Candidate Ryan MacDonald, Tara Santora
Intrinsic Properties of Properties, Sam Cowling
Introduction to the Special Issue Forum “Digital Cultures of South Asia: Inequalities, Informatization, Infrastructures”, Kalyani Chadha, Sangeet Kumar, and Radhika Parameswaran
Invasion Control Tangled in Knots: How An Oberlin Student and the Outside World Tackled the Knotweed Problem, Michael E. Harvey
Is College Bad for Religion? How Religion Fares at Denison, Paul A. Djupe
Is Fair Triage Possible?: Navigating the Complexities of Triage in Healthcare Crises, Caleb Rader
Is there a class scandal in academic performance at Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
Is there a class scandal in academic performance at Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
Is There Political Diversity At Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
Is there Religion at Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
Is there Religion at Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
Is The Use of Animals in Teaching Laboratories Justified?, Peter Arden and Sasha Mitts
Its about (Geological) Time, Paris Achenbach
Jay Meijia on Bipolar Disorder, Hillary Mulan
Jesse Rowsell: In Memoriam, Gabe Hitchcock and Ren Wiscons
Jules, Anna Northington Jones
Just Love, Ramatu Kamara
Kantian humility and ontological categories, S. Cowling
Katsaridaphobia: The Fear of Cockroaches
Kick Starting Student Self-Governance: The Student Advisory Board, Paul A. Djupe
Kick Starting Student Self-Governance: The Student Advisory Board, Paul A. Djupe
Kinship between the Kingdoms: Horizontal Gene Transfer, Darrin Schultz and Ben Garfinkel
Kinship Between the Kingdoms: Hydrothermal Vents, Darrin Schultz and Ben Garfinkel
Kinship Between the Kingdoms: Quorum Testing, Darrin Schultz and Ben Garfinkel
Know What's Causing Your Congestion? It Might Be Right in Front Of You, Owen Baker
Lab Hierarchy: Undergrads Have More Power Than You Think, Hillary Mullan
Lasers: Childhood Toy, Adult Passion, Oliver Meldrum
Last Pieces, Victoria Bambara
Latinx Futurism in MAÑANA: Latinx Comics from the 25th Century, Olivia Bernard
Law, Expertise, and Protean Ideas about African Migran, Benjamin N. Lawrence, Iris Berger, Tricia Redker Herpner, Joanna T. Tague, and Meredith Terretta
Legos, Java and programming assignments for CS1, Pam Lawhead, Michaele E. Duncan, Constance G. Bland, Mikey Goldweber, and Madeleine Schep
L’Étoile, S.A. Culyer
Letters from the Editors, Amrine Kt, Cassidy Crane, Lucy Dale, Ikera Olandesca, Nor Osborne, and Sofia Monteleone
Letter to the Editor: 1^H, 13^C and 15^N resonance assignments of the DNA-binding domain of the essential protein Cdc13 complexed with single-stranded telomeric DNA, Rachel Mitton-Fry and Deborah S. Wuttke
Life Story Chapters: Past and Future, You and Me., Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, Kristina L. Steiner, and David B. Pillemer
Lightness and visibility: Violence, the unseen, and albinism rights in tanzania, Jane L. Saffitz
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Holden Lai and Tommy Tullius
Literature and Professional Society: Modernism, Aesthetics, and Ian McEwan’s Saturday, Regina Martin
Lovely Lithium: Elucidating the Effects of a Mysterious Metal, Peter Arden
Lyme Disease, Mirelle Thaler
Madonna of Monterchi, Malina Infante
Making News in Global India: Media, Publics, Politics, Sangeet Kumar
Man of the Hour, Juan V. Chaides Hurtado
Mark Maker, Anna Northington Jones
Mars One: A One-Way Mission to the Red Planet by 2027, Tara Santora
MDMA: The Clinical Benefits of the Party Drug, Cynthia McKelvey
Mechanism, Emma Baum
Medical male circumcision and HIV risk: perceptions of women in a higher learning institution in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Joanne E. Mantell, Jennifer A. Smit, Jane L. Saffitz, Cecilia Milford, and Nzwakie Mosery
Medicinal Rule: A Historical Anthropology of Kingship in East and Central Africa, Jane L. Saffitz
Medicine through the Ages: An Incision into Surgery's Beginnings, Anna Dardick
Meet the Consultants and Acknowledgements
Memoirs Versus Studies: How each Represents the Connection Between Religion and Happiness, Mia Zink
Mike Got a Bigger Bike: Mike Rauscher On Nuclear Space Travel, Quinton Steele
Milking the Morning, William Barnes
Minimizing access costs in replicated distributed systems, Mikey Goldweber and Donald B. Johnson
Mining the Qhapaq Ñan with Micaela de Vivero: Decolonial cords, Joy Sperling
Minute pollinators: The role of thrips (Thysanoptera) as pollinators of pointleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos pungens (Ericaceae), Dorit Eliyahu, Andy McCall, Marina Lauck, Ana Trakhtenbrot, and Judith L. Bronstein
miRNAs and Spontaneity, Luke Gruenert
Mirror Image, Rita Costa
Molecular identification of a disease vector, Cameron Ziegenfus
Moondrip, Rita Costa
Mosquitos Suck, Matana Maron
Mostly United by Discrimination?, Paul A. Djupe
Mother and Child, Eliza Hughes
Motherhood as Immigration in Asian American Literature, Maggie Malin
Mother's Nature, Malina Infante
Msocket, Renzo Davoli and Mikey Goldweber
Muddying the Line between Human and Machine: ChatGPT’s Longevity in our Evolving Digital Era, Tenzin Kunga
Multiple domains of EBER 1, an Epstein-Barr virus noncoding RNA, recruit human ribosomal protein L22, Victor Fok, Rachel Mitton-Fry, Angie Grech, and Joan A. Steitz
Mysteries and Misconceptions About Autism, Ryann McChesney
Naked Week: The Cold Quest for Body Acceptance, Paul A. Djupe
Naturalism and Non-Qualitative Properties, Sam Cowling
Nature’s Algorithms, Veronica Burnham
Nature’s Most Elusive Particle: What Can Neutrinos Tell Us About Our Universe?, Jacob Turner
Navigating Feasibility: Choosing Service-Learning Projects for Academic Fit --- Conference Tutorial, Stan Kurkovsky, Chad A. Williams, Mikey Goldweber, and Nathan Sommer
Neuromarketing: Exciting or Evil?, Gabe Marx
New Course: Writing with Data in the Public Interest, Paul A. Djupe
New Course: Writing with Data in the Public Interest, Paul A. Djupe
New Moon, Rita Costa
Night at the Opera, Lauren Dyer
No Amygdala, No Worries, Ilana Ascher
No, I Don’t Care About Molecular Spin: A Call to Action for Better Communication, Paulus Van Horn
Noncoding RNPs of Viral Origin, J. Steitz, S. Borah, D. Cazalla, V. Fok, and Rachel Mitton-Fry
Non-programming resources for an introduction to CS, Joseph Bergin, Charles Kelemen, Myles McNally, Tom Naps, and Mike Goldweber
Non-qualitative Properties, Sam Cowling
Normativity as the Root of Secrecy and Moral Degeneration in Ellen Hart’s A Whisper of Bones, Ava King
No Simples, No Gunk, No Nothing, Sam Cowling
Nucleic Acid Recognition by OB-Fold Proteins, Douglas L. Theobald, Rachel Mitton-Fry, and Deborah S. Wuttke
Obie Alums: Life in the Sciences After Oberlin, Anna Dardick, Veronica Burnham, and Lizzie Roberts
Obituary, Liberty Kingsley
Oblivion Blue: Poems, Malina Infante
Officer Joe, Ryan Darragh
Officer Joe, Ryan Darragh
Oh Chemistry, Oh Chemistry, Rachel Budker
Ontology and the Ambitions of Metaphysics, Sam Cowling
Ontology without Borders, by Jody Azzouni, Sam Cowling
orange dream, Rita Costa
Our Curiosity Intensifies, Jacob Turner
"Outside In: Power, Identity, and the Han Lineage of Jizhou," by Pamela Crossley, Shao-yun Yang and Ruth Dunnell
Over the Camel's Hump, Brett Kingsley
Paracomedy, Craig Jendza
Partisan Polarization on Campus Too?, Paul A. Djupe
Partisanship at Denison, 2010-2018, Paul A. Djupe
Party Tent!(?), Paul A. Djupe
Passing, Brin Glass
Passing, Khoa
Phantoms in The Brain: The Deception of Our Senses, Long Ly
Piano Lessons, Rebecca Hurtado
Pink Skittle on the Library Floor, Rita Costa
Poly(A) Tail Recognition by a Viral RNA Element Through Assembly of a Triple Helix, Rachel Mitton-Fry, Suzanne J. DeGregorio, Jimin Wang, Thomas A. Steitz, and Joan A. Steitz
Poolside, Mia Fischel
Population Growth, Biofuels, and the Meat of the Future, Duncan Reilly
Portraits as Parts of Comics, Sam Cowling
Positive and Negative Vicarious Memories in College Students and Adults, Kristina L. Steiner
prayer circle, Jules Rizzo
Primary Vote 2020!, Paul A. Djupe
Primates and Pregnancy: Lessons in Childbirth from Human Evolution, Amelia Merithew
Prioritizing Platonism, Kelly Trogdon and Sam Cowling
Programming should not be part of a CS course for non-majors, Mikey Goldweber
Properties as Places, Sam Cowling
Proposal for an on-line computer science courseware review, Mikey Goldweber
Public Engagement Activities and Attitudes of Denison Faculty, Paul A. Djupe
Puerto Rican welfare queens and the semiotics ofrespectability: The language of race, class, andgender, Mary Beaton
Pushing Therapeutic Boundaries: iPSC Therapy for Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy, Long Ly
Quantum Quilts and Mechanic Myths: An Interview with Daniel Styer, Jessica Lam
Question mark in Landia, Jane L. Saffitz
Race, Party and Nationalist Sentiment at Denison, Paul A. Djupe
Raeftus: Procreate or Perish, Mia Dawson
Railcar, Caden C. Hazelton
Rant Against the Regime, Kirk Combe
Re: 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis- (p-chlorophenyl)ethylene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Breast Cancer: Combined Analysis of Five U.S. Studies, Leslie Glustrom, Rachel Mitton-Fry, and Deborah Wuttke
Realms unseen: Albinism and epistemic decoloniality in tanzania, Jane L. Saffitz
Rearview Mirror, June 2023, Talya Dersu
Recombining non-qualitative reality, Sam Cowling
Relationships Make Great Colleges?, Paul A. Djupe
Religion on Campus: A Minority Are Religious And With a Foot Out the Door, Paul Djupe
Republicanism Hits New Low, Paul A. Djupe
Resemblance, Sam Cowling
Resources for instructors of capstone courses in computing, Tony Clear, Mikey Goldweber, Frank H. Young, Paul M. Leidig, and Kirk Scott
Rethinking Racial Ontology through McDuffie's Deathlok, Sam Cowling
Review of transatlantic feminisms: Women and gender studies in africa and the diaspora, Joanna T. Tague
Revised geologic map and structural interpretation of the Mineral King pendant, southern Sierra Nevada, California (USA): Evidence for kilometer-scale folding and structural imbrication of a Permian to mid-Cretaceous volcanosedimentary assemblage, David C. Greene, Jade Star Lackey, and Erik W. Klemetti
Ring of Fire, Brin Glass
Risk, Gender, and Public Engagement Gaps, Paul A. Djupe
Rosetta Mission, Jacob Turner
running on empty, Mia Fischel
Salt, Kate Blue
Save The Wasps: Conservation Struggles in Protecting an Animal with a Bad Reputation, Megan Tiffany
Schizophrenia: Genes, Brains, and a New Era of Research, Emma Hahn
Science and Society, Anna Dardick
Science and the Pulpit: Clerical Perspectives on Science and Religion in the United States, Shiri Noy and Timothy L. O'Brien
Scientific Psychology: Why the Doubt?, Kevin Ng
Screening British Flight, Flight, and American Might(s): Investigating Representations of Britain in Kenya in U.S. Mid-20th Century Media, Charlie Herron
Self-Portrait from the Wall, Elizabeth Koeppen
Seminar: Stuart McDaniel '94: Using moss model systems to clarify patterns of biodiversity, Sesha Nandyal
Sex Inequity and Medicine Side Effects, Sarah Page
Shallow Dive, Jenna Cutlip
SHAPE analysis of the htrA RNA thermometer from Salmonella enterica, Edric K. Choi, Kelsey A. Ulanowicz, Yen Anh Nguyen, Jane K. Frandsen, and Rachel Mitton-Fry
Shi Xiaozhang’s Spirit Road Stele and the Rhetorical “Barbarization” of Late Tang Hebei, Shao-yun Yang
Shi Xiaozhang’s Spirit Road Stele and the Rhetorical “Barbarization” of Late Tang Hebei, Shao-yun Yang
Should we have security cameras at Denison?, Paul A. Djupe
SIGCAS showcase, Mikey Goldweber, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, and Alison Clear
Simulator Models, Mercedes Campos-Lopez
Size Doesn't Matter: There Once Was A Lonely Dwarf Planet, Kallie Jiang and Eydon Thomashow
Size Matters, Eydon Thomashow
Slow the Roll on EV’s: Why We Should Be Hesitant When Replacing Gas, Michael E. Harvey
Social Evolution in Primates: From Loners to Altruistic Flea-Pickers, Jessica Lamb
Socializing with Scientists, Gabe Hitchcock
Socio-Political Interactions and IMF Strategy in Egypt, Cian Nicholas
Soldier Girl, Brenda M. Boyle
Solitary Confinement, Connor McCleskey
song for san rocco, Eliana Lazzaro
Sonia Shah: PLAGUE! Tracking Cholera, Willa Kerkhoff
So That They May Model, Isaac H. McCeery
Speculative Satire in Contemporary Literature and Film, Kirk Combe
Spineless, William Barnes
Sriracha and The Science of Pain, Weelic Chong
Still In For Public Service in the Trump Era?, Paul A. Djupe
Student values and interests in capstone project selection, Jacqueline Whalley, Mikey Goldweber, and Harley Ogier
St Vitus Cathedral, Anna Northington Jones
sugar strawberries, Kate Blue
Supporting operating systems projects using the μMPS2 hardware simulator, Mikey Goldweber, Renzo Davoli, and Tomislav Jonjic
Swipe No More?, Paul A. Djupe
#SwipeRight: The Compatability Formula, Gailyn Gabriel
Synthesis of Novel Naphthalenediimide-Based Acceptors for Enhanced Charge Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Columnar Liquid Crystals, Monica Bradford
Tasks, sacrifices and digitized rituals: interpellating the Indian subject through rites of nationalism, Sangeet Kumar
TauRUs, Mikey Goldweber
Taxonomy Quirks, McKenzie Smith
Teaching Biomolecular Visualization Literacy: Guidelines for Developing Assessments, Images and Rubrics Aligned with the BioMolViz Framework, Roderico Acevedo, Pam Mertz, Charmita Burch, Shane Austin, and Rachel Mitton-Fry
Teaching polymorphism early, Joseph Bergin, Eugene Wallingford, Michael Caspersen, Mikey Goldweber, and Michael Kolling
Tent Sleep, Lauren Ehlers
The 2022 undergraduate database course in computer science, Mikey Goldweber, Min Wei, Sherif Aly, Rajendra K. Raj, and Mohamed Mokbel
The algorithmic dance: YouTube’s Adpocalypse and the gatekeeping of cultural content on digital platforms, Sangeet Kumar
The Beauty of the Small, Mia Rubiera
The Brain Before The Bench, Lena Lane
The Canterbury QuestionBank, Kate Sanders, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Tony Clear, Stephen H. Edwards, and Mikey Goldweber
The Celestial Standoff, Timo Nurmi
The Cicada Lullaby, Rebecca Hurtado
The Classroom – Schoolhouse of Democracy?, Paul A. Djupe
The complexities and fictions of homecoming: an analysis of tales in Homer’s Odyssey, Anne Blatt
The Cult of the Mushroom, Gabriel Hitchcock
The Digital and the Postcolonial, Sangeet Kumar
The D Key, Paul Djupe
The Door at the End of the Hall or Why There is Life on Earth, and Why We Should Have Seen It Coming, Kirk Pearson
The Economy of Autonomy: How Will Self-driving Shape Society?, Nandita Krishna
The Effect: A Review of Lucy Prebble’s Play on Psychopharmacology and Romance, Emilia Varrone
The End is Here (Response to “I Know the End” by Phoebe Bridgers), Rebecca Hurtado
The Ethics of Getting Dressed, Charvi Beniwal
The Evolution of Chinese Beauty, Leah Cashin
The Evolution of Tattoos: Revolutionizing One of Humanity’s Oldest Art Forms, Marisa Atkins
The Farm, Anna Gooch
The fatal snare of proximity: live television, new media and the witnessing of Mumbai attacks, Sangeet Kumar
The Flirt, Antonia Baylor
The Fungus Among Us, Cara Forster
The Future of Male Birth Control, Joe Dawson
The Future of Nuclear Energy: An Interview with Kennette Benedict, Duncan Reilly
The Future of Science Education in Elementary School, Anah Soble
The Germ Factory, Nicole Le
The Gravity of The Situation: A Hunt for Gravitational Waves, Jacob Turner
The Green Edge Fund, Hillary Pan
The Invention is a Story/a Story is Everything, William Barnes
The JaeOS Project and the μARM Emulator, Marco Melletti, Mikey Goldweber, and Renzo Davoli
The Journey of A Modern Vegetable: An Exploration of the Agricultural Industry, From Seed to Core, Lauren Rhodes
The Kaya OS project and the μMPS hardware emulator, Mikey Goldweber, Renzo Davoli, and Mauro Morsiani
The Kramatorsk Train Station, Malina Infante
The Met and Metadata, Eleanor Murphy
The Mind of A Child, Ben Garfinkel
The modal view of essence, Sam Cowling
The Neural Manifold: Unfolding the Matrix of Our Brain, James Lee
The New Miracle “Meat”: The Future Food Industry’s Approach to Young Jackfruits, Minh Tran Ha
The Oberlin College Observatory, Gabriel Hitchcock
The Ohio River, Annika J. Bruce
The Pandos Project and the μMPS3 Emulator, Mikey Goldweber, Renzo Davoli, and Mattia Biondi
The Personalities of Successful Students, Paul A. Djupe
The Pumpkin Patch, Fiona Kogan
The Rat King, Moose Hogeland
The relationship between CS education research and the SIGCSE community, Mikey Goldweber, Martyn Clark, and Sally Fincher
The Reminiscence Bump in Older Adults' Life Story Transitions, Kristina L. Steiner, David B. Pillemer, Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, and Andrew P. Minigan
There She Was, Antonia Baylor
There’s No Debate: How Do We Close the Gap Between Science and the Popular Press, Brooke Ortel
The Science of Acoustics, Emi Ostrom
The Science of Aging, Daniel Starer-Star
The Science of Getting High, Weelic Chong
The Science of Superpowers: Putting Scientific Login into The Superhero Narrative, Oluwadamilare Ogunjimi
The Short-Term Effects of Cortisol
The Swearing Brain, Gabe Marx
The use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum, Mikey Goldweber, Clare Congdon, Barry Fagin, Deborah Hwang, and Frank Klassner
The Value of Study Habits, Paul A. Djupe
The War on Campus, Paul Djupe
The Way of Actuality, Sam Cowling
The Wheel for the Well-Rounded Denisonian, Paul A. Djupe
This is One of the Few Things That Overcomes Partisan Polarization, Paul A. Djupe
This is Your Brain on Acetylcholine, Ksenia Vlasov
To Bereave or not to Bereave: The DSM-5, Isaac H.H. Fuhrman
To Be the Daughter of Demeter, Malina Infante
To the Brink of Understanding, Isaac H. McCeery
Transgender Women in the Athletic World, Corvus Endo
Transgressing Boundaries as the Hybrid Global: Parody and Postcoloniality on Indian Television, Sangeet Kumar
tummy troubles, Rita Costa
Uncovering the Brightening Effect in Mn-Doped Cs3Bi2Br9 Nanoplatelets, Lauren Rutherford
Understanding "Wellness" in College Students, Ella Snyder
Undue Coercion or Societal Neccessity?, Emilia Verrone
Unintended Renewals, Brin Glass
United by Discrimination, Paul A. Djupe
Universals, Sam Cowling
Unraveling the Mystery of Autoimmune Encephalitis: Navigating Life and the Science of a Rare Disease, Anna Harrison
User's Guide Project: Looking Back and Looking Forward, Don Larson, Kristen Mazur, David White, and Carolyn Yarnall
Utopia & Dystopia in Postcolonial Constructions of Place, Ikera Olandesca
VDE, Mikey Goldweber and Renzo Davoli
VEGF-A, PDGF-BB and HB-EGF engineered for promiscuous super affinity to the extracellular matrix improve wound healing in a model of type 1 diabetes, Michael J. White, Priscilla S. Briquez, David White, and Jeffrey A. Hubbell
Venice Canal, June 2023, Talya Dersu
Vicarious Memories, David B. Pillemer, Kristina L. Steiner, Kie J. Kuwabara, Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, and Connie Svob
Vino Rosso, Malina Infante
Virtual square (V2) in computer science education, Renzo Davoli and Mikey Goldweber
Vitamin MisconCeption: Mythbusting the Link between Vitamin C and the Common Cold, Alyssa Altheimer
Vote 2020 :: Campus is “Ridin’ with Biden”, Paul A. Djupe
Waiting for Butterflies, Emily McNeal
Walk Home, Abby Conturo
Warnke to Wayfair: Evangelical Eschatology and the Qhristian Connection, Luke Sakanich
Was there an enthusiasm gap? Examining support for Donald Trump among evangelicals and nonevangelicals, Alondra S. Pagán Márquez, Paul Djupe, Matthew Mettler, and Jeffery J. Mondak
watching, waiting, Anna Northington Jones
Water Woes: How Our Careless Relationship with Water is Draining the Supply, Sydney Rosensaft
welcome to “the bubble”?, Paul A. Djupe
‘We’re Going to Impeach the MF’er’: Incivility in the Pursuit of Justice, Paul A. Djupe
What Are Friends For?: The Importance of Friend Groups in Academic Success, Emily Neuhoff
“What Do Barbarians Know of Gratitude?”: —The Stereotype of Barbarian Perfidy and its Uses in Tang Foreign Policy Rhetoric, Shao-Yun Yang
What do Denisonians Think of DCGA, Paul A. Djupe
What do Denison Students Know about Women in Politics?, Paul A. Djupe
What Happened in Kindergarten? Mother-Child Conversations About Life Story Chapters, Michelle D. Leichtman, Kristina L. Steiner, Kaitlin A. Camilleri, David B. Pillemer, and Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen
What’s Behind A Budget? An Analysis of Municipal Use of ARPA, Tom Vodrey
What's Up, Weelic? Talking Aloud, Weelic Chong
What's Up, Weelic?: Tracking Neural Pathways with a Sugar-Coated Virus, Weelic Chong
When Does a Wedding Mark the Beginning of a New Chapter in One’s Life?, Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, Jennifer M. Talarico, and Kristina L. Steiner
When the Invader Becomes the Invaded: Temporal Variation of Gambusia affinis and Centrarchid Sunfish in Two Small Ponds, Jessica E. Rettig, Anthony C. Burger, Leonard B. Mills, Margaret Surace, Kyle D. Rose, Andrew J. Baird, Zachary D. Baker, Biana Qiu, and Geoffrey R. Smith
Where have the parties gone?, Paul Djupe
Where to Next? Alternative Career Options for Health-Related Fields, Brett Kingsley
Which Major Best Prepares You for Post-Grad Life?, Paul A. Djupe
Who Bends the Covid-19 Rules? Exceptional Thinking on Campus, Paul A. Djupe
Who feels The Bern?, Paul A. Djupe
Why is Consciousness Such a Hard Problem for Science?: The Quest to Understand Experience, Sophie Nelson
Why Not Teflon? Science's Battle with Non-Stick
Wigs for Kids, Robert Garber
Winter Term in Belize, Elie Goldberg
With Knowlton, is Denison Ready?, Paul A. Djupe
Would You Flip the Switch? What the “Trolley Problem” says (or doesn’t) about human nature, Nathaniel Bohm-Levine
Writing About Life Story Chapters Increases Self‐Esteem: Three Experimental Studies, Kristina L. Steiner, David B. Pillemer, and Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen
W-W-WALL-E, ilynchee
XIII: Death, Amaya Willems
Young Adults are Shifting Away From Drinking - How about Denison?, Paul Djupe
Your Treatment on Trial, Kevin Ng
Донька Іспаса (Don’ka Ispasa), Malina Infante
Спадщина (heritage), Malina Infante