Submissions from 2015
Diet of larval Ambystoma rivulare (Caudata: Ambystomatidae), a threatened salamander from the Volcan Nevado de Toluca, Mexico, J. A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, G. A. Woolrich-Pina, and R. Montoya-Ayala
The (Non) Religion of Mechanical Turk Workers, Andrew R. Lewis, Paul A. Djupe, Stephen T. Mockabee, and Joshua Su-Ya Wu
It's the Master! (Step in Time): Hearts of Darkness and Postcolonial Paradoxes in Doctor Who, Diana Adesola Mafe
Race and the first-person shooter: Challenging the video Gamer in BioShock infinite, Diana Adesola Mafe
"We don't need another hero": Agent 355 as an original black female hero in Y: The last man, Diana Adesola Mafe
The user's guide project: Giving experiential context to research papers, Cary Malkiewich, Mona Merling, David White, Frank Wolcott, and Carolyn Yarnall
Textbook Consumption in the Classroom: Analyzing a Classroom Corpus, Nausica Marcos Miguel
Absentee Capitalism and the Politics of Conrad's Imperial Novels, Regina Martin
London and Professional Society in H. G. Wells's Tono-Bungay and Hanif Kureishi's The Buddha of Suburbia, Regina Martin
The JaeOS Project and the μARM Emulator, Marco Melletti, Mikey Goldweber, and Renzo Davoli
Cover Image Lay of a Last Survivor: Beowulf, Great War Memorials, and M. R. James's 'A Warning to the Curious', Patrick J. Murphy and Fred Porcheddu-Engel
Globalization and the national determinants of violent and nonviolent ethnic conflict, Shiri Noy and Kevin Doran
Traditional, Modern, and Post-Secular Perspectives on Science and Religion in the United States, Shiri Noy and Timothy L. O'Brien
Social rights and migrant realities: Migration policy reform and migrants’ access to health care in costa rica, argentina, and chile, Shiri Noy and Koen Voorend
Vicarious Memories, David B. Pillemer, Kristina L. Steiner, Kie J. Kuwabara, Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, and Connie Svob
Almost quantum theory, Benjamin Schumacher and Mike Westmoreland
Ecology Postdocs in Academia: Primary Concerns and Possible Solutions, Allison K. Shaw, Daniel E. Stanton, Sarah R. Supp, Amber Budden, and Stephanie Eby
Effects of colour morph and season on the dehydration and rehydration rates of Plethodon cinereus, Geoffrey R. Smith, T. Johnson, and W. O. Smith
Effects of Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia Affinis) on Tadpole Production of Gray Treefrogs (Hyla Versicolor), Geoffrey R. Smith and L. E. Smith
The Dynamics of Socially Supplied Information: Examining Discussion Network Stability Over Time, Anand Edward Sokhey, Andy Baker, and Paul A. Djupe
Women, Tourism, and the Visual Narrative of Interwar Tourism in the American Southwest, Joy Sperling
Using life history trade-offs to understand core-transient structuring of a small mammal community, Sarah R. Supp, David N. Koons, and S. K. Ernest
Citizen‐science data provides new insight into annual and seasonal variation in migration patterns, Sarah R. Supp, Frank A. La Sorte, Tina A. Cormier, Marisa C.W. Lim, and Donald R. Powers
Before Asylum and the Expert Witness, Joanna T. Tague
Citizenship, Gender, and Conscience: United States v. Schwimmer, Megan Threlkeld
A LIFE COURSE APPROACH TO BLOOD PRESSURE AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK, Emir Veledar, Anthony Bonifonte, Turgay Ayer, and Peter Wilson
Strangers and Neighbors: Multiculturalism, Conflict, and Community in America by Andrea M. Voyer, Anita Waters
Generalized Fourier transforms and their applications, Sarah Wolff
Effects of Salinity and Density on Tadpoles of Two Anurans from the Rio Salado, Puebla, Mexico, G. A. Woolrich-Pina, Geoffrey R. Smith, and J. A. Lemos-Espinal
Do gravid female Anolis nebulosus thermoregulate differently than males and non-gravid females?, G. A. Woolrich-Pina, Geoffrey R. Smith, J. A. Lemos-Espinal, and J. Pablo Ramirez-Silva
Observations on sexual dimorphism, sex ratio, and reproduction of Anolis nebulosus (Squamata: Dactyloidae) from Nayarit, Mexico, G. A. Woolrich-Pina, Geoffrey R. Smith, J. A. Lemos-Espinal, and J. Pablo Ramirez-Silva
Submissions from 2014
At Home with Emily Dickinson, David Baker
Grusin, Dave, Dan Blim
Isham, Mark, Dan Blim
Hyperoctahedral Eulerian Idempotents, Hodge Decompositions, and Signed Graph Coloring Complexes, Benjamin Braun and Sarah A. Rundell
Emergent Church Practices in America: Inclusion and Deliberation in American Congregations, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
Truly Inclusive or Uniformly Liberal? An Analysis of the Politics of the Emerging Church, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
Effects of Cutrine-Plus (R) algaecide and predators on wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpole survival and growth, T. A. Christenson, M. E. Horton, B. C. Jackson, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Jessica E. Rettig
ROGER D. LUND, Ridicule, Religion and the Politics of Wit in Augustan England, Kirk Combe
Review: Transforming Tradition: Cultural Essays in Honour of Mukund Lath, John E. Cort
Non-qualitative Properties, Sam Cowling
No Simples, No Gunk, No Nothing, Sam Cowling
Bigamy and Christian Identity in Late Medieval Champagne, Adam Jeffrey Davis
The Social and Religious Meanings of Charity in Medieval Europe, Adam Jeffrey Davis
Courting justice, contesting “ bureaucratic informality ”: The Sayama case and the evolution of Buraku liberation politics, John H. Davis
The Effects of Descriptive Associational Leadership on Civic Engagement: The Case of Clergy and Gender in Protestant Denominations, Paul A. Djupe
Solidarity and Discord of Pluralism: How the Social Context Affects Interest Group Learning and Belonging, Paul A. Djupe and Andrew R. Lewis