Aims & Scope | Episteme | Philosophy | Denison University


Aims & Scope

Episteme aims to recognize and encourage excellence in undergraduate philosophy. The journal offers students their first opportunity to publish philosophy, and boasts examples of some of the best work currently being done in undergraduate philosophy programs around the world. It is our hope that Episteme will help stimulate philosophical dialogue and inquiry among students and faculty at colleges and universities.

The Editors consider papers written by undergraduate students in any area of philosophy. Throughout our history, we have published papers on a wide array of thinkers and topics, ranging from ancient to contemporary and including analytic, continental, and eastern. All submissions undergo a process of blind review and are evaluated according to the following criteria: quality of research, depth of philosophical inquiry, creativity, original insight, and clarity. Final selections are made by vote of the Editors and the editorial board.

Please see the Call for Papers at the back of the journal for information on submitting to our next volume.