Content Posted in 2020
Aams for A (Artwork), Shanti Basu
A Barbie World, Diana Muha
Abundance, Distribution, Population Structure, and Substrate Use of Ambystoma altamirani along the Arroyo los Axolotes, State of Mexico, Mexico, Viridiana Villarreal Hernández, Geoffrey R. Smith, Raymundo Montoya Ayala, and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal
A checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Sinaloa, Mexico with a conservation status summary and comparisons with neighboring states, Geoffrey R. Smith and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal
A conservation checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Mexico City, with comparisons with adjoining states, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal and Geoffrey R. Smith
A conservation checklist of the herpetofauna of Morelos, with comparisons with adjoining states, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal and Geoffrey R. Smith
A Day in the Life of the Average American According to Commercials, Adam Frost-Venrick
Addressing Moral Obligations to Correct for Health Disparities, Maxwell Marshall
A Disputed Utopia - Islamic Economics in Revolutionary Iran, Sohrab Behdad
After Liz and Chair (Mickalene Thomas), Isabel Ostrowski
After My Mother Told Me, Sam Rice
Alfilaria, Red-stemmed Filaree
A Little Bit More Broken, Claire E. Tierney
Alone, Now, Alexandra Sophia Terlesky
American Corn-salad, Beaked Corn-salad
American Hazel, American Hazelnut
American Lotus, American Water Lotus, Yellow Lotus
American mainline protestantsm and deliberation about homosexuality, Laura Olson, Paul A. Djupe, and Wendy Cadge
American Muslim Investment in Civil Society: Political Discussion, Disagreement, and Tolerance, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
American Rabbis in the 2000 Elections, Paul A. Djupe and Anand Edward Sokhey
Andrea's Third Shift: The Invisible Work of African-American Women in Higher Education, Toni King, Lenora Barnes-Wright, and Nancy E. Gibson
An Emergent Threat: Christian Clergy Perceptions of the Emerging Church Movement, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
A Night-In with Mr. Congeniality, Micah Frenkiel
Another Day in the Backyard While My Parents Fight, Cody Tieman
Are the Politics of the Christian Right Linked to State Rates of the Nonreligious? The Importance of Salient Controversy, Paul A. Djupe, Jacob R. Neiheisel, and Kimberly H. Conger
A Snapshot of Spades: December '95, Lexi Noga
Assessing citizen views of interest group alliances, Michael C. Brady and Paul A. Djupe
A tale of two kings: Competing aspects of power in Aeschylus' persians, Rebecca Futo Kennedy
A Thing You Live With, Emily Ables
A Tribute to Ken Wald, Paul A. Djupe
At the End of the World, Maeve Quinn
Augmented generalized happy functions, Breeanne Baker Swart, Kristen A. Beck, Susan Crook, Christina Eubanks-Turner, Helen G. Grundman, May Mei, and Laurie Zack
Babel, Tuuli Qin-Terrill
Balsam Squaw-weed, Northern Meadow Groundsel
Bastard-toadflax, Star-toadflax
Before The Bachelor Brainwashes You..., Savannah Delgross and Molly Keisman
beignets, Elizabeth Arterberry
Beyond the Lynn White thesis: Congregational effects on environmental concern, Paul A. Djupe and Patrick Kieran Hunt
Birth of Entrepreneurship (Photograph), Kevin Gomes
Bishop's-cap, Mitrewort, Miterwort
Bittersweet, American Bittersweet, Waxwork
Bittersweet Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade
Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade
Black Womanist Leadership: Tracing the Motherline, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Bluebells, Virginia Bluebells, Virginia Cowslip
Blue Phlox, Wild Sweet William
Bluets, Quaker Ladies, Innocence
Blueweed, Bluedevil, Viper's Bugloss
Book Review: Peace on Our Terms: The Global Battle for Women’s Rights After the First World War, Megan Threlkeld
Bowman's-root, Mountain Indian-physic
Breathe!: Victory Model of Diversity and Development for African American Women, Toni King and Rhunette Diggs
Bringing Organizational Behavior and Therapy Together: Counseling the African American Female on "Job Socialization Failure", Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Bristly Buttercup, Bristly Crowfoot
Bulbous Bitter Cress, Spring Cress
Butter-and-eggs, Yellow Toadflax
Cardinal O'Connor and his constituents: Differential benefits and public evaluations, Paul A. Djupe
Carlos II, Ian C. Bradshaw
Carolina Ruellia, Carolina Wild Petunia
Carrying Our Burdens in the Heat of the Day: African American Women and Self Sacrifice, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Cat's-eye Speedwell, Bird's-eye Speedwell
Censor Morum? The 17th Amendment, Religious Diversity, and Ideological Extremism in the Senate, Jacob R. Neiheisel and Paul A. Djupe
Charm for Walking Alone at Night, Jaley Bruursema
Charting Ourselves: Leadership Development with Black Professional Women, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Cherry Pit-Picking, Imani Congdon
Chinquapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak
Christendom and its Role in the Dehumanization of the Oppressed Community, Rachel N. Duvall
Christian Right Horticulture: Grassroots Support in a Republican Primary Campaign, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Class and Labor in Iran: Did the Revolution Matter?, Farhad Nomani and Sohrab Behdad
clay, Shanti Basu
Clergy Deliberation on Gay Rights and Homosexuality, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Clinical analysis of chronic dependency and help-giving in African American female friendships, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Collective agency and intentionality: A critical theory perspective, Barbara Fultner
Common Agrimony, Hairy Agrimony
Common Alum-root, Rock-geranium
Common Bindweed, Field Bindweed
Common Horseweed, Canadian Horseweed
Common Prickly-pear, Eastern Prickly-pear
Communicating in Good Faith? Dynamics of the Christian Right Agenda, Angelia R. Wilson and Paul A. Djupe
Communication Dynamics in Religion and Politics, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
Conscientious Women: The Dispositional Conditions of Institutional Treatment on Civic Involvement, Amanda Friesen and Paul A. Djupe
Coordinating perspectives in context: Comments on James Swindal's Reflection Revisited, Barbara Fultner
Corymbed Rattlesnake-root, Nodding Rattlesnake-root, Midwest White-lettuce
Culture war counter-mobilization: Gay rights and religious right groups in the states, Kimberly H. Conger and Paul A. Djupe
Dark Animus: A Jungian Psychoanalytic and Womanist Interpretation of the Consequences of Diverted Mothering Among African American Daughters, Alease S. Ferguson and Toni King
Days, Imani Congdon
Deadly Clerics: Blocked Ambition and the Paths to Jihad. By Richard A. Nielsen, 2017, Paul A. Djupe
Democracy, civil society, and the Iranian working class: the struggle for independent labor ortganizations, Farhad Nomani and Sohrab Behdad
Desde Guinea Ecuatorial a la escena global: Cuentos y música de María Nsué, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Devil's Beggar-ticks, Devil's Stick-tight
Diffusion of Environmental Concerns in Congregations across U.S. States, Paul A. Djupe and Laura Olson
Disposable from Senegal, Grace Rooney
Distribution and population structure of Ambystoma altamirani from the Llano de Lobos, state of México, Mexico, Zeltzin A. Villanueva Camacho, Geoffrey R. Smith, Raymundo Montoya Ayala, and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal
Divine Intervention? The Influence of Religious Value Communication on U.S. Intervention Policy, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
Downy Willow-herb, Simple Willow-herb
Dwarf Plantain, Hoary Plantain
Early Blue Violet, Palmate-leaved Violet
Early Buttercup, Thick-rooted Buttercup, Prairie Buttercup
Eastern Lined Aster, Withe Panicle Aster
Electrophysiological and Motor Responses to Chemosensory Stimuli in Isolated Cephalopod Arms, Kaitlyn E. Fouke and Heather J. Rhodes
Elite Citizen Women and the Origins of the Hetaira in Classical Athens, Rebecca Futo Kennedy
Emergent Church Practices in America: Inclusion and Deliberation in American Congregations, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
Emergent Fault Lines: Clergy Attitudes Toward the Emergent Church Movement, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
Emergent Properties of Layer 2/3 Neurons Reflect the Collinear Arrangement of Horizontal Connections in Tree Shrew Visual Cortex, Heather J. Rhodes, François Mooser, and David Fitzpatrick
Enabling Police Brutality Through a Culture of Fear: The Carabineros de Chile Policing the Chilean Student Movement, Emma Ceplinskas
Encyclopedia of American religion and politics, Paul A. Djupe and Laura Olson
English as a World Language: Ethnolinguistic Shifting and Educational Equity with a Focus on Brazil, Autumn Goodrum-Davis
English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Narrow-leaved Plantain
European Corn-salad, Lamb's Lettuce, Lewiston Corn-salad
Evangelizing the Environment: Decision Process Effects in Political Persuasion, Paul A. Djupe and Gregory W. Gwiasda
Exaggeration, Imani Congdon
Examining the Effects of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids on Interleukin-6 and Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1⍺ Production by 3T3-L1 Adipocytes, Jordan D. Beck
Exile Contributors and Biographies
Experimentation in the Study of Religion and Politics, Paul A. Djupe and Amy Erica Smith
Explaining Gender in the Journals: How Submission Practices Affect Publication Patterns in Political Science, Paul A. Djupe, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand Edward Sokhey
Exploring the effects of cannabidiol on RAW 264.7 macrophage cell viability and inflammatory cytokine IL-6 production, Veronika Danchine
Familial Fruit, Emily Ables
Field Forget-me-not, Field Scorpion-grass
Field Sow-thistle, Perennial Sow-thistle
Fire, Milk, and the Ocean, Ben Bowers
Fixed Points of Augmented Generalized Happy Functions, Breeanne Baker Swart, Kristen A. Beck, Susan Crook, Christina Eubanks-Turner, Helen G. Grundman, May Mei, and Laurie Zack
Fixed Points of Augmented Generalized Happy Functions II: Oases and Mirages, Breeanne Baker Swart, Susan Crook, Helen G. Grundman, Laura Hall-Seelig, May Mei, and Laurie Zack
Flower Vase (Artwork), Alexandra Terlesky
Fluctuating asymmetry indicates levels of competition in an even-aged poplar clone, Jessica E. Rettig, Rebecca Fuller, Andrea L. Corbett, and Thomas Getty
For Alex (Artwork), Olivia Durham
Foreign Exchange Gap, Structural Constraints, and the Political Economy of Exchange Rate Determination in Iran, Sohrab Behdad
Forest Sunflower, Thin-leaved Sunflower
Forest Sunflower, Thin-leaved Sunflower
Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech: The Effects of Alternative Rights Frames on Mass Support for Public Exemptions, Ted G. Jelen, Andrew R. Lewis, and Paul A. Djupe
From Populism to Economic Liberalism: The Iranian Predicament, Sohrab Behdad
From Schubert's The Judicial Mind to Spaeth's U.S. Supreme Court Judicial Data Base: A Crossvalidation, Paul A. Djupe and Lee Epstein
From Schubert's The Judicial Mind to Spaeth's U.S. Supreme Court Judicial Data Base: A Crossvalidation, Paul A. Djupe and Lee Epstein
Fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence, Sohrab Behdad
Garden (Artwork), Annie Karasarides
Gender, discourse and non-essentialism, Barbara Fultner
Generation, Coordination, and Evolution of Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication, Darcy B. Kelley, Irene H. Ballagh, Charlotte L. Barkan, Andres Bendesky, Taffeta M. Elliott, Ben J. Evans, Ian C. Hall, Young Mi Kwon, Ursula Kwong-Brown, Elizabeth C. Leininger, Emilie C. Perez, Heather J. Rhodes, Avelyne Villain, Ayako Yamaguchi, and Erik Zornik
Geographical and Institutional Trends in Higher Education Dining Services, Robert Byron Reynolds
God and Country: America in Red and Blue, Paul A. Djupe
God and Government in the Ghetto: The Politics of Church-State Collaboration in Black America, Paul A. Djupe
God at the Grassroots, 1996: The Christian Right in the American Elections, Paul A. Djupe
God Save This “Broken” Land: The Efficacy of Closed-Circuit Voter Targeting in a U.K. Election, Brian Robert Calfano, Paul A. Djupe, and Angelia R. Wilson
God talk: Experimenting with the religious causes of public opinion, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
God talk: Religious cues and electoral support, Brian Robert Calfano and Paul A. Djupe
Going down for the third time, Alease S. Ferguson and Toni King
Golden Alexanders, Early Meadow-parsnip
Golden Ragwort, Heart-leaved Groundsel
Good Eats, Carlos Cortes
Grace Value (Photographs), Mikey Hernández
Gray Dogwood, Panicled Dogwood
Great Lobelia, Blue Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia
Ground, Imani Congdon
Gunslingers of Extinction, Ben Bowers
Harbinger-of-spring, Pepper-and-salt
Heidegger's pragmatic-existential theory of language and assertion, Barbara Fultner
Here Be Dragons II, Charles Edward Livingstone
Her (Photograph), Kevin Gomes
Her Smile Moved Mountains, Cordero Estremera
hindsight is 20-20 (Photograph), Michael Ball
Honoring the lateness of the day : opportunistic shifts in the personal leadership sojournes of African American professional women at second adulthood, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
How Does the Latinx Community Think about the Relationship between Health and Food? How Does This Reflect Social Structures, Intercultural Norms or Values?, Nayeli Hernandez-Arredondo
How Religious Communities Affect Political Participation Among Latinos, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Huerfanitos en el cine peruano contemporáneo, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Human embryonic stem cell research and the discarded embryo argument, Mark Moller
Human embryonic stem cell research, justice, and the problem of unequal biological access, Mark Moller
I am because we are, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
I hate the drive but I love the ride; Tire swing, Claire E. Tierney
I Love to Tell the Story: An Analysis of Sacred Music for the Alternative Consciousness, Elena Suzanne Rogers
Immigrant women in Athens: Gender, ethnicity, and citizenship in the classical city, Rebecca Futo Kennedy
In College I Wanted to Visit You, Sam Rice
Inferentialism and communicative action: Robust conceptions of intersubjectivity, Barbara Fultner
Infinitude (Artwork, Back Cover), Annie Karasarides
In God We Trust? Religion and American Political Life, Paul A. Djupe
Inmigrantes ecuatorianos en España: Cuestiones de género e invisibilidad en Rabia de Cordero, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Intelligibility and conflict resolution in the lifeworld, Barbara Fultner
Interactions between adult and larval bluegill sunfish: positive and negative effects, Jessica E. Rettig and Gary Mittelbach
Interpersonal Networks and Democratic Politics, Anand Edward Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
Intersubjectivity in the Space of Reasons, Barbara Fultner
Intra‐Organizational Constraints on Churches' Public Witness, Jacob R. Neiheisel and Paul A. Djupe
Introduction: Perspectives on meaning in Heidegger's philosophy, Barbara Fultner
Invasive fish (Gambusia affinis) as an ecological filter for macroinvertebrate colonization of experimental ponds, Johanna J. Harmon and Geoffrey R. Smith
Iran after the revolution: Crisis of an Islamic state, Rahnema Saeed and Sohrab Behdad
I Saw Seven Shooting Stars, Ethan McAtee
Islam and the everyday world: public policy dilemmas, Sohrab Behdad and Farhad Nomani
Islamic Utopia in Pre-Revolutionary Iran: Navvab Safavi and the Fada'ian-e Eslam, Sohrab Behdad
Islamization of Economics in Iranian Universities, Sohrab Behdad
it’s a jungle out there, Scarlett Constand
I've Been Searching for Humanity, Riley M. Halpern
James, Perception and the Miller-Bode Objections, Mark Moller
Jurgen Habermas: Key concepts, Barbara Fultner
Justice, geography and empire in Aeschylus' Eumenides, Rebecca Futo Kennedy
Justification Not by Faith Alone: Clergy Generating Trust and Certainty by Revealing Thought, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
Justo Bolekia Boleká: escritor y guía cultural bubi, Justo Bolekia Boleká and Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Khatami and His" Reformist" Economic (Non-) Agenda, Sohrab Behdad
Kindergarten, Claire E. Tierney
Labor rights and the democracy movement in Iran, Farhad Nomani and Sohrab Behdad
Lamb's-quarters, White Goosefoot
Lance-leaved Bedstraw, Lance-leaved Wild Licorice
La Reina del Sur: Problemas éticos de un protagonismo excesivo., Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Large Summer Bluets, Large Houstonia
Leafcup, Pale-flowered Leafcup
Letters from the Editors, Rosa Canales, Isabella Antonelli, Lily Carroll, and Mary Clare Edwards
Limited calls for justice: The Twitter rhetoric of racialized police brutality, Nina Cosdon
Loud Mouth (Drawing), Annie Karasarides
Low Hop Clover, Pinnate Hop Clover
Madrid y la cultura popular en la serie "Manolito Gafotas" de Elvira Lindo, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Making a Good Psychopath: Teaching Virtue to Those Without a Conscience, Diyanshu Emandi
Male-Male Clasping May Be Part of an Alternative Reproductive Tactic in Xenopus laevis, Heather J. Rhodes, Rachel J. Stevenson, and Courtney L. Ego
Maple-leaved Viburnum, Maple-leaved Arrow-wood
Marsh Cinquefoil, Marsh, Five-finger
Maryland Figwort, Carpenter's-square
Maule's Quince, Flowering Quince
Midnight, Temitope Sholola
Mitigating Mormonism: Overcoming Religious Identity Challenges with Targeted Appeals, Brian Robert Calfano, Amanda Friesen, and Paul A. Djupe
Modeling Petroglyph Visibility with Photogrammetry and Sunlight Simulation: An Ohio Case Study, Meaghan Accarino
Moralizing to the Choir: The Moral Foundations of American Clergy, Paul A. Djupe and Amanda Friesen
MotHeRhood, Alexandra Terlesky
Mothering Past the Line of No Defense: Millennial Daughters on the Path to Crafting a Black Feminism of Their Own, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Mourning the Mind: Identity and Ambiguous Loss after Traumatic Brain Injury, Jaley Bruursema
Mud Creatures, Cody Tieman
Muslim Mistrust: The Resilience of Negative Public Attitudes after Complimentary Information, Brian Robert Calfano, Paul A. Djupe, Daniel Cox, and Robert P. Jones
Muslims and the 2008 Election, Brian Robert Calfano, Paul A. Djupe, and John C. Green
My Dad, Micah Frenkiel
My Father’s Car, Tonio Zacco
My Struggle with Anemia, Sarah Barney
Name generation in interpersonal political network data: Results from a series of experiments, Anand Edward Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
Native bluegill influence the foraging and aggressive behavior of invasive mosquitofish, Jessica E. Rettig and Jennifer Clemmer
Neural activity-dependent brain changes in development: Implications for psychopathology, Eric Courchesne, Heather J. Rhodes, and Jeanne Townsend
Nightlight, Stella Gewirz
NMDAR-Dependent Control of Call Duration in Xenopus laevis, Erik Zornik, Abraham W. Katzen, Heather J. Rhodes, and Ayako Yamaguchi
Nodding Stick-tight, Bur-marigold
Normal Brain Development and Aging: Quantitative Analysis at in Vivo MR Imaging in Healthy Volunteers, Eric Courchesne, Heather J. Rhodes, Jeanne Townsend, Angilene Cowles, James Covington, Brian Egaas, Mark Harwood, Stuart Hinds, and Gary A. Press
Northern Marsh Bedstraw, Marsh Bedstraw
Northern Tickseed-sunflower, Crowned Beggar-ticks
Notes on Snow Cones, Taylor Shook
Not in His Image: The Moderating Effect of Gender on Religious Appeals, Brian Robert Calfano and Paul A. Djupe
Numbers and the heights of their happiness, May Mei and Andrew Read-McFarland
Off the Green, Chloe Elizabeth Sferra
Of Parts and Wholes, Barbara Fultner
Old-field Cinquefoil, Common Cinquefoil
One-flowered Broom-rape, One-flowered Cancer-root
Otis T. Mason and Hippocratic Environmental Theory at the Smithsonian Institution in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Rebecca Futo Kennedy
Paisajes del exilio en la poesía de Juan Balboa Boneke: Compromiso social con la patria guineoecuatoriana, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Pale Touch-me-not, Yellow Jewelweed
Pastors and public life: the changing face of American Protestant clergy, Paul A. Djupe
Pears, Maeve Quinn
Peer Reviewing in Political Science: New Survey Results, Paul A. Djupe
Period, Dylan Walczak
Perturbation and resilience: a long-term, whole-lake study of predator extinction and reintroduction., Jessica E. Rettig, Gary Mittelbach, Andrew M. Turner, Donald J. Hall, and Craig W. Osenberg
Philadelphia Fleabane, Philadelphia Daisy
Plantain-leaved Pussy-toes, Plantain-leaved Everlasting
Policy Entrepreneurship and Congressional Opposition to the International Criminal Court, Hannah Elizabeth Arnaiz Bradvica
Political Mobilization in American Congregations: A Religious Economies Perspective, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Political Pluralism and the Information Search: Determinants of Group Opinionation, Paul A. Djupe
Politics and Church: Byproduct or Central Mission?, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
Politics in the Parish: The Political Influence of Catholic Priests, Paul A. Djupe
Politics in the Pews: The Political Mobilization of Black Churches., Paul A. Djupe
Poor-man's-pepper, Virginia Pepper-grass
Pragmatic Bioethics, Mark Moller
Prague matters, Barbara Fultner
Present but Not Accounted For? Gender Differences in Civic Resource Acquisition, Paul A. Djupe, Anand Edward Sokhey, and Christopher P. Gilbert
Probing forebrain to hindbrain circuit functions inXenopus, Darcy B. Kelley, Taffeta M. Elliott, Ben J. Evans, Ian C. Hall, Elizabeth C. Leininger, Heather J. Rhodes, Ayako Yamaguchi, and Erik Zornik
Property Rights and Islamic Economic Approaches, Sohrab Behdad
Property Rights in Contemporary Islamic Economic Thought: a Critical Perspective, Sohrab Behdad
Prophecy, Jaley Bruursema
Prophets in the Wilderness: An Ecology of Ministerial Organization Participation in Public Affairs, Paul A. Djupe and Franklyn C. Niles
Public Deliberation about Gay Rights in Religious Contexts: Commitment to Deliberative Norms and Practice in ELCA Congregations, Paul A. Djupe and Laura Olson
Purple Bitter Cress, Pink Spring Cress
Purple-stemmed Beggar-ticks, Threelobe Beggar-ticks
Putting personality in context: determinants of research productivity and impact in political science, Paul Djupe, Kim Quaile Hill, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand E. Sokhey
Rabbi Engagement with the Peace Process in the Middle East, Anand Edward Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
RACIAL SPACES: Exploring the Myth of Diversity and the Dynamics of Racial Identities, Seyeong Hanlim
Reconsidering the Role of Politics in Leaving Religion: The Importance of Affiliation, Paul A. Djupe, Jacob R. Neiheisel, and Anand Edward Sokhey
Referentiality in Frege and Heidegger, Barbara Fultner
Relationship quality and stress as joint predictors of adaptation to college: What is the mechanism of interaction?, Elsie Parmar
Relative strength of top-down effects of an invasive fish and bottom-up effects of nutrient addition in a simple aquatic food web, Jessica E. Rettig and Geoffrey R. Smith
Religion and Democracy in the United States: Danger or Opportunity?, Paul A. Djupe
Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective, Paul A. Djupe
Religion and political tolerance in America: Advances in the state of the art, Paul A. Djupe
Religion and politics, Paul A. Djupe
Religion and Politics in the United States, Paul A. Djupe and Andrew R. Lewis
Religion and the Extension of Trust, Benjamin O. Hsiung and Paul A. Djupe
Religion Returns to the Public Square: Faith and Policy in America, Paul A. Djupe
Religious Brand Loyalty and Political Loyalties, Paul A. Djupe
Religious Institutions and Minor Parties in the United States, Christopher P. Gilbert, Paul A. Djupe, David A. M. Peterson, and Timothy R. Johnson
Religious institutions and political participation in America, Paul A. Djupe and Tobin J. Grant
Religious interests in community conflict: Beyond the culture wars, Paul A. Djupe and Laura Olson
Religious Value Priming, Threat, and Political Tolerance, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
Resistance as a Faith for the Crucified, Alexis J. Noga
Responding to Rediscovering the Religious Factor in American Politics, Paul A. Djupe
Restaurant Roses (Artwork), Ginsy Barnes
Revealing Concealment: Disguise as a Catalyst of Identity Confusion in Laurie King's Sherlockian Mary Russell Mysteries, Maddie Dirrim
Reviewed Work: Islamic Economic Systems, (Studies in Islamic Society) by Farhad Nomani, Ali Rahnema, Sohrab Behdad
Reviewed Work: Islamic versus Traditional Banking: Financial Innovation in Egypt, by Elias G. Kazarian, Sohrab Behdad
Reviewed Work: Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Filling the “Great Gap” in European Economics by S. M. Ghazanfar, Sohrab Behdad
Reviewed Work: Oil, State and Industrialization in Iran by Massoud Karshenas, Sohrab Behdad
Reviewed Work: The Principles of Islamic Political Economy: A Methodological Inquiry by Masudul Alam Choudhury, Sohrab Behdad
Reviewed Work: The Secular Miracle: Religion, Politics and Economic Policy in Iran by Ali Rahnema, Farhad Nomani, Sohrab Behdad
Rights, Reflection, and Reciprocity: Implications of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate for Tolerance and the Political Process, Paul A. Djupe, Andrew R. Lewis, and Ted G. Jelen
Rights Talk: The Opinion Dynamics of Rights Framing, Paul A. Djupe, Andrew R. Lewis, Ted G. Jelen, and Charles D. Dahan
Rocamadour, Cassandra Fleming
Room and the Confinement of Ideology, Sam Fujikawa
Rough Cinquefoil, Strawberry-weed
Rough Fleabane, Rough White-top
Rough Hawkweed, Sticky Hawkweed
Rounding Corners: An African American Female Scholar's Pretenure Experiences, Toni King
Round-leaved Violet, Early Yellow Violet
Ruptured Silences, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Rush (Artwork), Annie Karasarides
Salt-and-pepper-plant, Woolly Plantain
Sands of Time, Anna Wojenski
Scale-dependent associations among fish predation, littoral habitat, and distributions of crayfish species, Jessica E. Rettig, James E. Garvey, Roy Stein, David Lodge, and Steven P. Klosiewski
Scallops, Micah Frenkiel
Schizophrenic Hallucinations, Liz Anastasiadis
Seasonal patterns of abundance: do zooplankton in small ponds do the same thing every spring-summer, Jessica E. Rettig, Linda S. Schuman, and James K. McCloskey
Selected Social Networks of African American Professional Women, Toni King
Short's Aster, Midwest Blue Heart-leaved Aster
Six Minutes and 20 Seconds (Photograph), Emily Ables
Slender Agalinis, Slender-foxglove
Small-flowered Crowfoot, Kidney-leaved Buttercup
Small-flowered Evening-primrose
Small-flowered St. John's-wort
Small Wood Sunflower, Small-headed Sunflower
Smooth Ox-eye, Sunflower-everlasting
Smooth Spiderwort, Ohio Spiderwort
Snowmass Sunrise (Illustration), Josi Miller
Solidarity and Discord of Pluralism: How the Social Context Affects Interest Group Learning and Belonging, Paul A. Djupe and Andrew R. Lewis
Sources of Clergy Support for Denominational Lobbying in Washington, Paul A. Djupe, Laura Olson, and Christopher P. Gilbert
Southern Agrimony, Small-flowered Agrimony
Spatter-dock, Yellow Pond-lily
Spear-scale, Halberd-leaved Orache
Spectral Properties of Continuum Fibonacci Schrodinger Operators, Jake Fillman and May Mei
Spectra of discrete Schrodinger operators with primitive invertible substitution potentials, May Mei
Spiny-leaved Sow-thistle, Prickly Sow-thistle
Spotted Pipsissewa, Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Touch-me-not, Orange Jewelweed
Stained-glass politics and descriptive representation: does associational leadership by women engender political engagement among women?, Paul A. Djupe and Laura Olson
Standstill, Dylan Walczak
Staring at The Sun, Sophia Menconi
Strategic Positions of Las Hijas del Sol: Equatorial Guinea in World Music, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Street Art and Public Space: Political Dialogue and Contemporary Chilean Culture at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center, Julia Tallant
Striped Violet, Common White Violet
Structural Constraints on Perot Voting Patterns, Christopher P. Gilbert, Timothy R. Johnson, David A. M. Peterson, and Paul A. Djupe
Struggling in Silence: A Discussion on Mental Health in the African American Community, Lariona Jacobs
Students are Not Statistics (Photograph), Michael Ball
Sunrise (Artwork), Annie Karasarides
Swamp Loosestrife, Water-willow
Swamp Rose-mallow, Common Rose-mallow
Sweet Indian-plantain, Sweet-smelling Indian-plantain, Hastate-leaved Indian-plantian
Sweet-scented Bedstraw, Fragrant Bedstraw
Taking Up Our Elders' Burdens as Our Own: African American Women against Elder Financial Fraud, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
Tall Rattlesnake-root, Tall White-lettuce
Tambourine Boy, Claire E. Tierney
Teaching a Foreign Language in a Service Learning Context: A Case Study, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Tell Your Stories Here (Photograph), Emily Ables
The amphibians and reptiles of Colima, Mexico, with a summary of their conservation status, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, Leland J. S. Pierce, and Charles W. Painter
The contribution of vertical and horizontal connections to the receptive field center and surround in V1, Heather J. Rhodes and David Fitzpatrick
The Crow, Cody Tieman
The Curriculum That Has No Name: A Choreo-pedagogy for Colored Girls Seeking to Fly over the Rainbow, Toni King
The Delegational Pulpit? Clergy Identifying as Congregational Political Representatives, Paul A. Djupe, Ryan P. Burge, and Brian Robert Calfano
The Deliberative Pulpit? The Democratic Norms and Practices of the PCUSA, Paul A. Djupe and Brian Robert Calfano
The Distribution and Determinants of Socially Supplied Political Expertise, Paul A. Djupe and Anand Edward Sokhey
The Dracula Difference: Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Threat of the Other, Taylor Kern
The Dynamics of Socially Supplied Information: Examining Discussion Network Stability Over Time, Anand Edward Sokhey, Andy Baker, and Paul A. Djupe
The Effects of Descriptive Associational Leadership on Civic Engagement: The Case of Clergy and Gender in Protestant Denominations, Paul A. Djupe
The Evangelical Crackup?: The Future of the Evangelical-Republican Coalition, Paul A. Djupe and Ryan L. Claassen
The Floor is Lava, Liz Anastasiadis
The Gendered Religious Response to State Action on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Hannah Smothers, Ryan P. Burge, and Paul Djupe
The Generation Gap, Anand Edward Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
The House on Kitty Hawk, Chloe Elizabeth Sferra
The Ibeji Model:: Friendship Bonds as Soul’s Salvation in the Scholarly Writing Process, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
The Impact of Negative Campaigning: Evidence from the 1998 Senatorial Primaries, Paul A. Djupe and David A. M. Peterson
The impact of pikes and guns in Sengoku-Period Japan, Eli Goldman
The Indian Individual: Decoding My True Identity, Sanaya Attari
The Key to Survival: An Investigation of Black Female Friendships at a PWI, Ericia Bramwell
The Manifestation of Gender Inequality in Pakistan, Amna Khalid
The 'Master Model', Mara Kilgore
The meaning of a vibrant public square, Alina Panek
The Mobilization of Elite Opinion: Rabbi Perceptions of and Responses to Anti‐Semitism, Paul A. Djupe and Anand Edward Sokhey
The NFL’s Race Problem at the Quarterback Position, Jospeh Semel
The (Non) Religion of Mechanical Turk Workers, Andrew R. Lewis, Paul A. Djupe, Stephen T. Mockabee, and Joshua Su-Ya Wu
The odyssey of Spanish Jews: Un-homely Sefarad, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
The Phenomenon of Hookah Use: Hookah Smokers of the Dominican Community of Lawrence, MA, Yamilex Moya
The plural church: Church involvement and political behavior, Paul A. Djupe
The Political Consequences of Gender in Social Networks, Paul A. Djupe, Scott McClurg, and Anand Edward Sokhey
The political economy of Islamic planning in Iran, Sohrab Behdad
The political influence of churches, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
The political voice of clergy, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
The Politics of American Muslims, Paul A. Djupe and John C. Green
The Politics of the Religious Minorities Vote in the 2004 Elections, Paul A. Djupe, Eric McDaniel, and Jacob R. Neiheisel
The Politics of Vulnerability, Barbara Fultner
The Population Ecology of Grassroots Democracy: Christian Right Interest Populations and Citizen Participation in the American States, Paul A. Djupe and Kimberly H. Conger
The President Cannot Define Me Out of Existence, Cody Tieman
The Problem With Birdhouses, Ethan McAtee
The prophetic pulpit: Clergy, churches, and communities in American politics, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
The Question of a Poem Called ‘Before the Fire on Church Street’, Robert Garber
There but for the Grace of God, Toni King and Alease S. Ferguson
The redemption of truth: Idealization, acceptability and fallibilism in habermas' theory of meaning, Barbara Fultner
The resourceful believer: Generating civic skills in church, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
The Rise and Fall of Iranian Classes in the Post-Revolutionary Decades, Farhad Nomani and Sohrab Behdad
Thermoregulation in a saxicolous population of the lizard Urosaurus ornatus from the northern Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico, Hector Gadsden, Rafael A. Lara-Reséndiz, Nallely F. Minjarrez-Flores, Ana Gatica-Colima, and Geoffrey R. Smith
The Routledge handbook of identity and the environment in the classical and medieval worlds, Rebecca Futo Kennedy and Molly Jones-Lewis
The Steps You Take, Katie Lauck
Thetis at the River, Sophia Menconi
The Unity of William James's Thought by Wesley Cooper, Mark Moller
Thick-spiked Blazing-star, Kansas Gay-feather
To and Fro?: Deepening the Soul Life of Women's Studies Through Play, Toni King and Eloise A. Buker
Train Race, Michaela Shea-Gander
Transformation of Receptive Field Properties from Lateral Geniculate Nucleus to Superficial V1 in the Tree Shrew, S. D. Van Hooser, A. Roy, Heather J. Rhodes, J. H. Culp, and D. Fitzpatrick
Transition (Photograph), Cody Tieman
Tridiagonal Substitution Hamiltonians, May Mei and W. Yessen
Truly Inclusive or Uniformly Liberal? An Analysis of the Politics of the Emerging Church, Ryan P. Burge and Paul A. Djupe
Unlikely Hero: Rapping with Petey Greene, John L. Jackson and Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Un multiculturalismo periférico en la España contemporánea: Sefarad en Jerusalén: una historia de amor de Leopoldo Azancot., Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Untitled (Photograph), Rosa Canales
Untitled (Photograph), Rosa Canales
Unusual brain growth patterns in early life in patients with autistic disorder: An MRI study, E. Courchesne, C. Karns, H. Davis, R. Ziccardi, R. Carper, Z. Tigue, Heather J. Rhodes, P. Moses, K. Pierce, C. Lord, A. Lincoln, S. Pizzo, L. Schreibman, R. Haas, N. Akshoomoff, and R. Courchesne
User Informed Design, Testing, and Production of a 3D Printed Lower-Limb Bicycle Prosthesis, Jacob Coplin
Utopia of assassins : Navvab Safavi and the Fada'ian-e Eslam in prerevolutionary Iran, Sohrab Behdad
Variation in Species Composition of the Larval Assemblage in Four Southwest Michigan Lakes: Using Allozyme Analysis to Identify Larval Sunfish, Jessica E. Rettig
Variation Within?: Exploring Intra-Congregational Differences in a Black Political Church., Caroline M. Nordlund, Paul A. Djupe, and Michael Leo Owens
Vaticano (Artwork), Olivia Durham
Veni, Vidi, Disseri: Churches and the Promise of Democratic Deliberation, Jacob R. Neiheisel, Paul A. Djupe, and Anand Edward Sokhey
Ventriloquism and accountability, Barbara Fultner
Virgin's-bower, Devil's-darning-needle
Water-carpet, Golden Saxifrage
Water-hemlock, Spotted Water-hemlock
Water-purslane, Marsh-purslane
What's Your Poison? (Artwork), Olivia Durham
What Would it Take for the Earth Creature to go to Church? A Theological View of the Youth Consciousness, Ethic, and Spirit, Atticus Muller
When primary campaigns go negative: The determinants of campaign negativity, David A. M. Peterson and Paul A. Djupe
Whether to Adopt Statements on Homosexuality in Two Denominations: A Research Note, Paul A. Djupe, Laura Olson, and Christopher P. Gilbert
Which Party Represents My Group? The Group Foundations of Partisan Choice and Polarization, Ryan L. Claassen, Paul A. Djupe, Andrew R. Lewis, and Jacob R. Neiheisel
White Heath Aster, Squarrose White Aster
White Rattlesnake-root, White-lettuce
White Water-lily, Fragrant Water-lily
White Water-lily, Fragrant Water-lily
Whose Job Is It, Anyway? The Place of Public Engagement in the Liberal Arts College., Paul A. Djupe, Luke D. Christie, Sean Patrick O'Rourke, and Elizabeth S. Smith
Who's That Lady: Ebony Magazine and Black Professional Women, Toni King
Wild Black Currant, American Black Currant
Wild Crabapple, Sweet Crabapple
Wild Pepper-grass, Prairie Pepperweed
Wild Quinine, Eastern Parthenium
Winners and Losers of the Iranian Revolution: A Study in Income Distribution, Sohrab Behdad
Winterberry, Winterberry Holly, Michigan Holly
Wintergreen, Checkerberry, Teaberry
Witness us in our battles, Toni King
Womanism and Social Change in Trinidad Morgades Besari's AntÃgona from Equatorial Guinea, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
Women's Labour in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Losers and Survivors, Sohrab Behdad
Woodland Lettuce, Tall Blue Lettuce
Woodland Strawberry, Thin-leaved Wild Strawberry
Woodland Sunflower, Divaricate Sunflower
Woodland Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone
Workers, Peasants, and Peddlers: A Study of Labor Stratification in the Post-Revolutionary Iran, Sohrab Behdad and Farhad Nomani
Xenopus Vocalizations Are Controlled by a Sexually Differentiated Hindbrain Central Pattern Generator, Heather J. Rhodes, H. J. Yu, A. Yamaguchi, and Heather J. Rhodes
Yellow Rocket, Common Winter Cress
you think the world is yours to explore? get the hell off my property (Photograph), Michael Ball
Zooplankton responses to predation by larval bluegill: an enclosure experiment, Jessica E. Rettig