Issue 38 (2023)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Finding Peace with Puberty: The Importance of Increasing Puberty-Related Dialogue in Athletics
Amber Borofsky
Aurora Borealis — not BORE-alis! The Northern Lights’ Ancient Legends and Scientific Wonders
Anadi Purewal-Legha
Invasion Control Tangled in Knots: How An Oberlin Student and the Outside World Tackled the Knotweed Problem
Michael E. Harvey
Community Conservation Works! A Success Story in Reforesting Australia’s Wet Tropics
Soleil Laurin, Clara Sorensen, Shannon McCord, and Hunter Miles

Content Editors
- Selena Frantz
- Eva Tardioli
- Louise Fenny
- Dylan Yu
- Katie Tang
- Celine Nguyen
- Haimanot Assefa
- Calvin McMurtrey
- Aambar Agarwal
- Haddy Dardir
- Editor
- Sophie Paton
- Sydney Rosensaft
- Ofek Levy
Copy Editors
- Evelyn Astafiev-Holmes
- Kayla Elias
- Elsa Friedmann
- Andrea Nguyen
- Meena Lee
- Arianna D'Italia
- Emma Kim
- Sophia Lieu
- Sarah Dean
- Micah Gresl-Turner
- Kate Stephenson
- Ariel Papas
- Valentine Perdu
Layout Editors
- Orion Pendley
- Ingrid Cassel
- Eleanor Ford
- Brea Lawton
- Ofek Levy
Cover Art
- Sophia Samra
Managing Staff
- Editors-in-Chief
- Emma Rekate
- Susan Robinson-Cloete
- Chief Layout Editors
- Ingrid Cassel
- Orion Pendley
- Layout Coordinator
- Sara Fields
- Art Coordinators
- Mattie Rie
- Ellie Martin
- Outreach Coordinators
- Gina Lombard
- Maria Roa Evangelista
- Media Coordinator
- My Trinh
- Managing Editor
- Nadeem Jones
- Community Liaison
- Calvin McMurtrey
- Treasurers
- Long Ly
- Uyen Nguyen
- Intercollegiate Coordinator
- Ella Erdahl