Submissions from 2024
Big Inheritance: Essays, Kt Amrine
Deep Light, Olivia Lynn Bernard
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Rhetoric Utilized by Moms for Liberty, Mary Beshuk and Herlinda Contreras
The complexities and fictions of homecoming: an analysis of tales in Homer’s Odyssey, Anne Blatt
How The Human Body Interacts with Religion: Religiously, Artistically, and Politically, Portia Brackley
Synthesis of Novel Naphthalenediimide-Based Acceptors for Enhanced Charge Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Columnar Liquid Crystals, Monica Bradford
Assessing Lexical Constraints on Motion Simulation During Comprehension, Franklin Bray
Towards an Erotic Masculinity: Audre Lorde’s Insight to Unpacking Desire, Noah Chartier
Beyond the Factory Floor: Unveiling the Complex Lives of Young East and South Asian Factory Workers, Lia Coplin
Licking County's Shrinking Jewish Community, Katherine Corner
Officer Joe, Ryan Darragh
Curated Zones: Musical Possession and Colonial Identity Expression in Early 20th Century Cairo through “The Sphinx: English Illustrated Weekly 1892-1947”, Gabriel Donnelly
Exploring the Need for Community Gardens in Licking County, Ohio, Jacob Eppley
God’s Mission for Empowerment in Communities, Yahir Fernandez-Alvarez
Corporate Conceptualization and Use of “Sustainability”: a Critical Discourse Analysis, Leif Gajkowski
Screening British Flight, Flight, and American Might(s): Investigating Representations of Britain in Kenya in U.S. Mid-20th Century Media, Charlie Herron
Care Ethics Outside of the Classroom: What Does Care Look Like in Domestic Violence Shelter Work?, Jaci D. Hershberger
Arsenic in Victorian Britain: A Primary Source Analysis, Izzi Howard
Oblivion Blue: Poems, Malina Infante
An Examination of the Impact of Certain Factors on University Protests Against the Vietnam War, Ethan James
Examining Three American Accounts of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, Duncan W. Jones
The Relationship Between Christian Nationalism & Conservative Politics, Davidson O. Jump
Electric Avenue Why the Marxist Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet., Maya Ordóñez Landsberg
Exploring the Mysteries: Personal Religion in Ancient Greece, Eliana Lazzaro
From Thought to Expression: The Importance of Style in Philosophy, Zhijing Liang
“As If I Were Buried Beneath These Words”: An Exploration of Power, Voice, and the Female Corpus, Grace Lukens
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Understanding Income Inequality, Linh Luu
Alcoholism in its True Nature: The Cause and Effect of Marketing Failures and Successes on Women and Underaged Youth, Maren T. McIlvaine-Newsad
The Met and Metadata, Eleanor Murphy
Socio-Political Interactions and IMF Strategy in Egypt, Cian Nicholas
Integration and Perception of Migrants into American Civil Religion, Leza Paveleva
Clear the Kitchen Table: An Investigation of Painting and Sewing in Domestic Spaces, Ava L. Peterson
Filling in the Gaps: Mis/Communication Between a Campus Title IX Office and Student Sexual Respect Organizations, Talia Raider-Roth
Bugs and Calamity, Julia Rizzo
Uncovering the Brightening Effect in Mn-Doped Cs3Bi2Br9 Nanoplatelets, Lauren Rutherford
Warnke to Wayfair: Evangelical Eschatology and the Qhristian Connection, Luke Sakanich
Understanding "Wellness" in College Students, Ella Snyder
Five Communities: Five Different Stories, Sarah Sollinger
What’s Behind A Budget? An Analysis of Municipal Use of ARPA, Tom Vodrey
Molecular identification of a disease vector, Cameron Ziegenfus
Memoirs Versus Studies: How each Represents the Connection Between Religion and Happiness, Mia Zink
Submissions from 2023
Stress and Coping Interventions for Black/Africana Students Within Higher Education, Eric Aboagye-Adinkra
Know What's Causing Your Congestion? It Might Be Right in Front Of You, Owen Baker
Branching Beyond the Author: How Narrative Games Rewrite Storytelling, Olivia Bernard
Sudanese Midwives: The Evolving Battle Between Dayas, their Daughters, and Mabel Wolff from 1921-1935, Thomas Berry
The nature of a Small Town Church in Granville, Ohio., Portia Brackley
The Untold Story of the Vietnamese-American third generation in the United States of America, Trang Bui
Impacts and Roles of Ukrainian Citizen Media regarding the Russian Invasion, Heeyoung Chae
An Exploration of Mindfulness Throughout Intercultural Communication Encounters, Yung H. Chang
Capital Requirements and the U.S. Financial Market Liquidity in the Post-Global Financial Crisis Period, Scarlett Cho
Exploring equilibrium water content in binary mixtures as atmospheric aerosol models, Qiyue Cui
Presenting a New Female Narrative: Recontextualizing the Lives of Ancient Roman Women in Museums, Emma Driver
Overcity, Cordero León Mauricia Estremera
Who's To Gain? Fluid Mineral Extraction on Oklahoma's Non-Reservation Native Lands, Tait J. Ferguson
Psychological return-to-sport interventions for injured athletes, Charlie Fleming
Do Environmental Cues Affect Social and Agonistic Behaviors of Red-Backed Salamanders?, Courtney Fouke
Three-Dimensional Modeling and Archaeology of McDermot’s Rock, Ireland, Holly Friborg
A Guide for the Alien Anthropologist: Personal Essays On and Around the Autism Spectrum, Robert Garber
Archaeological Fieldwork on the Rock in Lough Key, Fable Gogis
Tokugawa Era Conceptions of Samurai Honor, Eli Jacob Goldman
Emerging Hues: Color as a Medium Between Emotions/Memories and Movement Quality, Sebastian Goodman
How can Nations not go the “Sri Lankan Way”, Ganith Herath
The Effacement of local agencies in the British Cinchona Project: Rhetoric, morally-freighted commodities, and expansionist environmentalism, Matthew Hernández
Exploring Power Dynamics in Relationships through Literature, Malina Infante
Europe’s Wild, Wild West: The European Construction of the American “Frontier” from 1862-1970, Audra Kimbell
Romantic Literature and the Modern World: A Creative-Fictional Insight, Liberty Kingsley
Effect of Phage-Antibiotic Synergy on Burkholderia cenocepacia Wildtype and Mutant Strains, Erin Kistler
Made from Clay: The Molding of Grief in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eliana Lazzaro
Gender Inequality: Underrepresentation of Women in the Financial Services Industry., Evelyn Le
Discover how Freedom School Supports Children's Resilience in post Covid Period, Runan Liu
The Sight of Sublimity, Grace Lukens
Microcredit and Its Impacts on Human Development in Rural Areas in Vietnam, Linh Luu
The Language of Riot: Examining the Legibility of Unrest, Peter L. Macchiarulo
Destabilizing the Gender Binary in Western Dance Practices, Emma Margo
The Impact of COVID-19 on E-Commerce: Catalyst for the Surge of Online Retail in Indonesia, Aaron Matthew
Indigeneity and Animals in Medieval Ireland, Margaret J. Mitchell
The Impact of Economic Codetermination: A Comparative Analysis of Union Strategy in 1980s US, UK, and Germany, Madeleine Murphy
Transnational Networks and Multispecies Relations: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Swiftlet Nest Industry in Vietnam, Ly T. Nguyen
The Body: Human Remains and Gender Relationships Throughout Medieval Ireland, Danielle Norris
Terranov: The Creative Exploration of A Fictional United World in 2050, Sydney Orrison
Performance Analysis of the Equally Weighted Portfolio in comparison with the VN30 index, Huy B. Phan
Corruption and Labor Productivity: A Panel Data Analysis of Italy 2000-2017, Kevin Phan
The Theory, Purpose, And Practice Of Producing Educational Television, Emerson Prond
Investigating Methods for Improving Image Deconvolution of Extragalactic Radio Jets, Jaelyn Roth
Mundane Desires, Aileen Schretzmayer
Operation PBSuccess: The CIA and the Covert Nature of American Foreign Intervention in Guatemala, Fiona Schultz
Alignment: Exploring the congruence between Denison’s goals and how students understand their purpose, Susannah W. Snell
The Maritime World of the American South, Theodore Walker Stahl
Responses to Sexual Assaults in Buddhist Communities: A Comparative Study between Vietnam and the United States, Thuong Tran
Two Concepts of Desert, Joshua Uhri