Submissions from 2009
Cyclura Cychlura Inornata (Allen Cays Rock Iguana). Cause of Mortality, Geoffrey R. Smith, K. Hines, S. Pasachnik, L. Pieper, E. Phelps, and J. B. Iverson
Chrysemys Picta (Painted Turtle), Graptemys Geographica (Northern Map Turtle), Trachemys Scripta (Pond Slider). Aural Abscesses, Geoffrey R. Smith, J. B. Iverson, and Jessica E. Rettig
Osteopilus Septentrionalis (Cuban Treefrog). Reproduction, Geoffrey R. Smith, L. Pieper, and J. B. Iverson
The effects of exercise and stress on the survival and maturation of adult-generated granule cells, Jason S. Snyder, Lucas R. Glover, Kaitlin M. Sanzone, J. Frances Kamhi, and Heather A. Cameron
The Generation Gap, Anand Edward Sokhey and Paul A. Djupe
Book review: Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect, Douglas J. Spieles
Macroinvertebrate community structure in created wetlands of different successional stage, Douglas J. Spieles and J. D. Horn
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a KCS gene from Cardamine graeca and its Heterologous Expression in Brassica Oilseeds to Engineer High Nervonic Acid Oils for Potential Medical and Industrial Use, David C. Taylor, Tammy Francis, Yiming Guo, Jennifer M. Brost, Vesna Katavic, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, Michael Giblin, Sharla Lozinsky, and Travis Hoffman
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a KCS gene from Cardamine graeca and its Heterologous Expression in Brassica Oilseeds to Engineer High Nervonic Acid Oils for Potential Medical and Industrial Use, David C. Taylor, Tammy Francis, Yiming Guo, Jennifer M. Brost, Vesna Katavic, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, Michael Giblin, Sharla Lozinsky, and Travis Hoffman
New seed oils for improved human and animal health: genetic manipulation of the brassicaceae for oils enriched in nervonic acid, David C. Taylor, Yiming Guo, Vesna Katavic, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, Francis Tammy, and William Bettger
New seed oils for improved human and animal health: genetic manipulation of the brassicaceae for oils enriched in nervonic acid, David C. Taylor, Yiming Guo, Vesna Katavic, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, Francis Tammy, and William Bettger
Electron affinity of arsenic and the fine structure of As − measured using infrared photodetachment threshold spectroscopy, C. W. Walter, Dan Gibson, R. L. Field, A. P. Snedden, and J. Z. Shapiro
Submissions from 2008
Young Writers Introduction, David Baker
God talk: Religious cues and electoral support, Brian Robert Calfano and Paul A. Djupe
The Pragmatics of Explanation, Seth Chin-Parker, Alexandra Bradner, and Brian H. Ross
Structure and regulation of the vacuolar ATPases, Daniel J. Cipriano, Yanru Wang, Sarah Bond, Ayana Hinton, and Kevin C. Jefferies
RUBEN QUINTERO (ed.), A Companion to Satire: Ancient and Modern., Kirk Combe
Behavioral Responses of Eastern Gray Squirrels in Suburban Habitats Differing in Human Activity Levels, C. A. Cooper, A. J. Neff, D. P. Poon, and Geoffrey R. Smith
Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume X, Jain Philosophy (Part I) - Edited by Dalsukh Malvania and Jayendra Soni, John E. Cort
Gods in the Bazaar: The Economies of Indian Calendar Art – By Kajri Jain, John E. Cort
Hindu and Jain Mythology of Balarama: Change and Continuity in an Early Indian Cult – By Lavanya Vemsani, John E. Cort
History of Early Stone Sculpture at Mathura, CA. 150 BCE-100 CE - By Sonya Rhie Quintanilla, John E. Cort
Jaina Studies - By Colette Caillat and Nalini Balbir, John E. Cort
On the Cusp of an Era: Art in the Pre- World - Edited by Doris Meth Srinivasan, John E. Cort
The Temple in South Asia – Edited by Adam Hardy, John E. Cort
Exposition de nos statuts: Commentaire de la Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lès Avignon, vers 1767, Adam Jeffrey Davis
First Among Abbots: The Career of Abbo of Fleury, Adam Jeffrey Davis
Diet and Sexual Dimorphism of the Desert Iguana, Dipsosaurus Dorsalis, From Sonora, Mexico, C. J. Dibble, Geoffrey R. Smith, and J. A. Lemos-Espinal
Sceloporus poinsettii (crevice spiny lizard). Diet, C. J. Dibble, Geoffrey R. Smith, and J. A. Lemos-Espinal
God and Country: America in Red and Blue, Paul A. Djupe
God and Government in the Ghetto: The Politics of Church-State Collaboration in Black America, Paul A. Djupe
Politics and Church: Byproduct or Central Mission?, Paul A. Djupe and Christopher P. Gilbert
Christian Right Horticulture: Grassroots Support in a Republican Primary Campaign, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Clergy Deliberation on Gay Rights and Homosexuality, Paul A. Djupe and Jacob R. Neiheisel
Fräulein oder Frau? German Women and the Signification of Title, 1850–1917, Catherine L. Dollard
Going down for the third time, Alease S. Ferguson and Toni King
Reproductive cycle of the spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovii from the central Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico, H. Gadsden, C. Ortiz-Lomas, R. Gil-Martinez, S. V. Leyva-Pacheco, J. L. Estrada-Rodriguez, and Geoffrey R. Smith
Madrid y la cultura popular en la serie "Manolito Gafotas" de Elvira Lindo, Dosinda Garcìa-Alvite
VDE, Mikey Goldweber and Renzo Davoli
Between Panic & Desire, Peter Grandbois
Insect Dreams., Peter Grandbois
"People's lives are hanging here": Low wage workers share their experience of job loss, Amanda M. Gunn
Factors influencing the distribution of overwintered bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana) in two small ponds, S. E. Hargis, M.-K. Harr, C. J. Henderson, W. J. Kim, and Geoffrey R. Smith
Multiyear study of the migration orientation of ambystoma maculatum (spotted salamanders) among varying terrestrial habitats, Rebecca N. Homan, Christian D. Wright, Gretchen L. White, Lindsay F. Michael, and Brian S. Slaby
SARS discourse analysis: Technoscientific race -nation -gender formations in public health discourse, Clare C. Jen
The Trails of Superluminal Jet Components in 3C 111, M. Kadler, E. Ros, M. Perucho, Y. Y. Kovalev, and Daniel Homan