"Black Women's Relational Competencies and Ethical Leadership in the Wo" by S. Alease Ferguson and Toni C. King

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Black Studies


Three qualitative case vignettes illustrate Black women leaders’ application of relational competencies to assert culturally informed ethical values in organizational life. Theoretical frameworks of Patricia Hill Collins’ (1994) theory of motherwork and Wilfred Bion’s (1991) psycho-dynamics theory of group development guide the analysis of Black women’s relational competencies. Methodologically, the data derive from the authors’ use of phenomenological review of over three decades of corporate and non-profit consultancies. This methodology entailed uncensored story genera- tion relative to the topic and culling of the story set guided by a rubric to screen for story features that exemplify group and relational competencies and ethical leader- ship. Findings identified recurring relational leadership themes of 1) Creating Safe Space for Breaking Silences, 2) Interrupting the Unsaid in Organizational Life and 3) Framing Organizational Dynamics within His/herstories of Injustice. Implications of these case findings for Black women’s ethical leadership at the level of group relation- al competencies for 21st century organizations are shared.


University of Nebraska Press


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