Volume 35, Number 1 (1988)
Entire Issue
Exile Vol. XXXV No. 1
Jennifer Read, Chris Campi, Amy Judge, Jim Cox, Eric Whitney, Robert Marshall, Christopher Collette, Mans Angantyr, Chris Rynd, Shannon J. Salser, Rosemary Walsh, Margaret Dawson, Lynn Pendleton, Jen Miller, Kevin Merriman, Andrew C. Carington, Kent Lambert, Zach Smith, Mary Forsythe, Tim Emrick, Chris Byrd, Jennifer Peterson, Michael Payne, and Bradford Cover
Front Matter
Front Matter
Ars Poetica
Mans Angantyr
Through the Window Pane
Jennifer Read
Bible Thumper
Chris Rynd
Andrew C. Carinston
"A Theopoetic"
Robert Marshall
Music = Love?
Shannon J. Salser
Self Portrait
Margaret Dawson
to whom i may concern
Chris Campi
On Our Way
Lynn Pendleton
"They called her Mitzi..."
Jen Miller
Storms of Illusion
Kevin Merriman
Thoughts of a Husband
Kent Lambert
For Lack of Sleep
Amy Judge
The Music of the Sun
Zach Smith
Don't Think
Mary Forsythe
Tim Emrick
Where We Go Together
Man Angantyr
The Child of My Fatalism
Jennifer Peterson
"Terribly close to being..."
Michael Payne
Anne Frank's House
Mary Forsythe
Kevin Merriman
Height Protest
Jen Miller
Ars Poetica
Amy Judge
Untitled (Photograph)
Rory Herbster
Little Boy (Artwork)
Eric Whitney
Editorial Board
- Fernanda Dau
- Missy Ferguson
- Mary Forsythe
- Rory Herbster
- Amy Judge
- Lauren Kronish
- Kevin Vassily
- Kent Lambert
- Jen Miller
- Jen Read
- Chris Rynd
- Zach Smith
- Joel Spencer