Ephemeris | Classical Studies | Denison University


Ephemeris is published twice a year and seeks to offer an opportunity for those students interested in Classical studies to publish their work in an undergraduate forum.

Ephemeris was the first intercollegiate journal of its kind and promotes the coming together of history, literature, philosophy, religion, art, and architecture in a way that is both analytical and creative. As is an objective of Classical Studies departments, Ephemeris fosters an attitude about and an appreciation for criticism and interpretation of the Classical civilizations. It is our hope that students, faculty and staff continue to be inspired by these ancient societies.
Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to the Five Colleges of Ohio (Next Steps in the Next Generation Library: Integrating Digital Collections into the Liberal Arts Curriculum, 2010).

Acknowledgments: Joshua Finnell (Humanities Librarian); Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Assistant Professor of Classics)

Current Volume: Volume 7 (2012)

Entire Issue


Ephemeris Vol. VII
Karyn Greene, Paul Filippelli, Paul Bisagni, Rachel Mazzara, and Dalton Tracey



Catullus 51
Rachel Mazzara


Shakespeare and Ovid
Paul Filippelli


Dalton Tracey

Student Editor

Angelica Wisenbarger

Faculty Advisors

Rebecca F. Kennedy