
Denison Journal of Religion


“Land of the Free, Home of the Racist: Exploring the Narrative of America’s Racial Prejudice” by Jillian Fox, ’19. Fox uses a racist incident that occurred at Denison University in the late 1970s to explore the work of womanist theologian and Denison University graduate Kelly Brown Douglas. After recounting the incident, she explores Douglas’ response at the time as well as her later work, much of which stems from ancient notions of national exceptionalism, ethnocentrism, and white racial pride. Fox continues to discuss the implications of exceptionalism as it pertains to Manifest Destiny, which the author in turn connects to current racial attitudes, divides, and injustices in the United States. Fox concludes with an exhortation to overturn the white supremacy that has so harmed black people as well as those who do not conform to the royal consciousness, against which God must be situated.


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