
Denison Journal of Religion

Article Title

Embodied Ayurveda


“Embodied Ayurveda” by Sarah Curtin, ’18. The author focuses on traditional, modern, and global iterations of the traditional Indian medical system Ayurveda. Whereas Western medicine focuses on empiricism, results, and relatively stringent proof of efficacy, traditional Ayurveda holds ancient texts in high regard, separating body functions and processes into pure and impure categories that have little basis in the Western medicinal tradition. However, as pharmaceutical companies latch on to the increasing popularity of traditional Indian medicine, the integrity, practice, and plant-based sources for Ayurvedic remedies are all threatened. Curtin continues to discuss traditional notions of semen conservation versus the modernized notion of semen conservation as a manner of preserving masculinity as many pharmaceutical companies market it. Finally, Curtin discusses globalized Ayurvedic trends and their ethical implications for traditional practices.


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