

Article Title

Flamingo Vol. IV N 2


Schmitz. Cover. Picture. 0.

Sun Dodger. LADY-, HERE I AM. Prose. 1.

Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5.

Anonymous. Prose. 7.

Anonymous. This Thing Evolution. Prose. 7.;


I.E.A. Night. Poem. 8.

C.K. THE BUBBLE. Poem. 8.

Anonymous. Night. Poem. 8.

I.E.A. Effects. Poem. 8.


Gila Monster. Mad May. Prose. 9.

Kated, Ed U. Romeo, Beware! Poem. 10.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10.

Anonymous. Picture. 10.

Anonymous. PRIMORDIAL. Prose. 10.

Anonymous. SOMETIMES. Poem. 10.

Anonymous, IT'S A LOT TO ME, But nothing to thee. Poem. 10.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10.

Valspar, U.S. People Who Want to Look Young and Beautiful. Prose. 11.

Del. 'To snare some other bird.' Picture. 11.

Anonymous. Picture. 12.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12.

G.W. Untitled. Prose. 12.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12.

Wellman, G. 7:00 A. M. Poem. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13.

Anonymous. Portraits of Local Celebrities Number Three. Picture. 13.


Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 13.

Anonymous. ADAM'S RIB. Poem. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13.

Anonymous. THIS'LL RUSSIA. Prose. 13.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13.

Howard. THE BELLS. Poem. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14.

H.K. Picture. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 14.

Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15.

Anonymous. 1923—TRACK—1923. Prose. 15.

Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15.

Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15.

Anonymous. In. Prose. 16.

Anonymous. SPIKED SHOES. Prose. 17.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18.

E.B. Spring Must Be Here. Picture. 19.

E.T. AH! BITTER GRIEF. Poem. 20.

Anonymous. THE HAIR-BRAINED BOY. Poem. 20.

Davis, Dick. Picture. 20.

Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 20.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20.

Anonymous. 1923—BASEBALL—1923. Prose. 21.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21.

Anonymous. Picture. 22.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22.

C.K. and K.H. A Reign Check. Picture. 22.

Medley. Untitled. Prose. 25.

Wisconsin Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 25.

Sun Dodger. HERE, KITTY. Prose. 25.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 25.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 25.

Life. Untitled. Prose. 25.

Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Boll Weevil. Quick Work. Prose. 26.

Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Chicago News. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Tar Baby. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Texas Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Panther. Untitled. Prose. 26.

Clyde. Picture. 28.

Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 28.

Froth. Untitled. Prose. 28.

Sun Dodger. Untitled. Prose. 28.

Princeton Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 28.

Boston Transcript. WHAT'D SHE CARE? Prose. 28.

Birmingham Age-Herald. The First Lesson. Prose. 28.

Princeton Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 29.

Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 29.

Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 29.

Sour Owl. THERE'S A REASON! Prose. 31.

Mink. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Bison. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Lampoon. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Punch Bowl. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Showme. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Mink. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Dirge. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Couger's Paw. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 31.

Bison. Untitled. Prose. 32.

Bison. Caution. Prose. 32.

Lampoon. Untitled. Poem. 32.

Sour Owl. Untitled. Prose. 32.

Boston U. Beanpot. Fore. Poem. 32.

Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 32.

Purple Parrot. ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR. Prose. 32.


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