


warehousing, Alex Carroll 7

In Search of Suburbia, Jillian Koval 8

Long Distance, Kurt Grahnke 10

[kingdoms], Matthew DeMotts 11

Ice Storm, Nick Holland 12

Coyotes, Matthew DeMotts 20

Honeymoon on Mars, Zoe Drazen 22

Salad, Mia Juratovac 23

Rebirth in Brixton, Mia Juratovac 25

Om Mani Padme Hum, Kelsey Hagarman 26

Between Women, Autumn Stiles 39

A Poem About Why I Don’t Write Poetry, Tori Newman 41

Summer Sweet, Kym Littlefield 44

To Jourdan, Lauren Gustafson 45

Guillotine, Mimi Mendes de Leon 47

Home, Emily Carnavale 54

The Nadir, Emmalee Hagarman 56

May 18th, 1980, Mackenzie Shaw / 57


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