


47th Year

Title Page 3

Epigraph by Ezra Pound 5

Table of Contents 7

Contributors' Notes 62-63

Editorial Board 64


Hidden by Elizabeth Averbeck '04 8

Untitled by Laura Cannon '05 10

Untitled by Matt Messmer '06 16

Hierve el agua by Emily stenken '03 18

A Late One by Sarah R. Smith '03 27

Between the Lines by Gregory Holden '03 30

Carwash by Gregory Holden '03 40

Untitled by Laura Cannon '05 42

Flowers in Her Hair by Gregory Holden '03 53

Untitled Forrest by Jessica Kramer '03 56


What the Dead Had Grown by Steve Kovach '03 9

European Affairs by Ginna Fuselier '03 17

Combing the Everglades by Scott Barsotti '03 28-29

Persecution by Steve Kovach '03 41

A few coins in a styrofoam cup by Miranda Bodfish '05 54-55


Here's to Mary by Katie Mannel '05 11-15

The Game of Right by Bradley Prefling '03 19-26

The Interview by Nicole Bennett '04 31-39

Jet Black Chevrolet by Scott Barsotti '03 43-52

Fulfilling Duty by Daniel Kinicki '05 57-61

"All submissions are reviewed on an anonymous basis, and all editorial decisions are shared equally among the members of the Editorial Board." -64

"Cover Art "Despair" by Gregory Holden '03 / Back Cover Art "Untitled by Laura Cannon '05" -64

"Printing by Printing Arts Press" -64

Scott Barsotti, "Jet Black Chevrolet" redacted due to copyright restrictions.


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