


46th Year

Title Page 3

Epigraph by Ezra Pound 5

Table of Contents 7

Contributors' Notes 59-60

Editorial Board 61


Connected by Christin Faison '04 8

Marcya by Harper Leich '04 12

Untitled by Derek Mong '04 19

Epistemological Torment by Matthew Sove '04 21

Consummatum Est I by Matthew Sove '04 27

Consummatum Est III by Matthew Sove '04 29

The Sheraton by Harper Leich '04 39

Untitled by Roman Sehling '03 43

My War by Matthew Sove '04 53


Chores, Then and Now by Dan Rohrer '04 9

Heaven by Chris Million '02 10-11

Loving her in Balinese by Ginna Fuselier '03 20

The Shower Room by Derek Mong '04 28

The Wailua by Jenny Silva '02 40-41

Good to the Last Drop by Chrissy Swinko '03 42


The House of Spider Webs by Dianna Craig '03 13-18

The Golem by Owen McGrann '03 22-26

All the String in Cincinnati by Rachel Colina '02 30-38

Passing by Matthew Martz '02 44-52

True War Story by Dianna Craig '03 54-58

All submissions are reviewed on an anonymous basis, and all editorial decisions are shared equally among the members of the Editorial Board." -61

"Cover Art "Out to Dry" by Thomas DeCarlo '05" / Back Cover Art "Untitled" by Thomas DeCarlo '05" -61

"Printing by Printing Arts Press" -61


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