


43rd Year

Title Page 3

Epigraph by Ezra Pound 5

Table of Contents 7

Contributors Notes 74-75

Editorial Board 76


The Art of Hearing: Interview with Stanley Plumly by Alison Stine '00 23-27


Self-Portrait by Angela Bliss '99 8

For a Living by Angela Bliss '99 12

Untitled by Frazier Taylor '02 22

Untitled by Amy Deaner '99 29

Perfect Knee by David Tulkin '01 34

Untitled by Amy Deaner '99 43

Still Light by Angela Bliss '99 62

Hiding Nature by Amy Deaner '99 64

Self-Portrait A by Sarah Leyrer '01 73


Bolted Back by Michelle Grindstaff '02 9

Squall by Georgia Riepe '02 10

Loaves and Fishes by Maeghan Demmons '01 11

World Cafe by Katie Kroner '01 28

Gurney Surfer by Tom Hankinson '02 31

Japanese Beetles by Alison Stine '00 32-33

Shoveling by Bekah Taylor '00 40

Tobacco Country by K. Moore '01 41

Winton Place by Rachel Colina '02 42

Bottom of the Ninth by Michelle Grindstaff '02 61

Fall Burning by Alison Stine '00 63

rocking by Bekah Taylor '00 71

The Armor of the Beach by Georgia Riepe '02 72


In the Aisles of the Night by Tom Dussel '01 13-21

From Those Uninvolved by Justin Walker '99 30

Frame by Paul Durica '00 35-39

The Rose by Rachel Bolton '99 44-60

Stop at the Soldier by Hillary Campbell '00 65-70

"All submissions are reviewed on an anonymous basis, and all editorial decisions are shared equally among the members of the Editorial Board." -76

"Cover Art "Untitled by Kris Lewis '99 / Back Cover Art "Figure 25" by Todd Gys '99" -76

"Printed by Printing Arts Press" -76


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