



"In the Wake" by Lewis Clarke 8-16

"Picnic in the Spring" by Joseph Arnold 18-28

"Waiting for Pavlova" by Virginia Wallace 31-34

"The Waiting Place" by Dennis Trudell 36-41

"The Camp-Out at Minnow Lake" by Diane Torgler 44-49

"First Warm Night" by Russell Speidel 50-52


"Song of Oneself" by Carol Ann Schreier 16

"Died at Noon" by Frank Reid 17

"For the Earthbound" by William Bennett 29

"Lethargy" by Julia Austen 34

"To Roualt's 'The Old King'" by William Bennett 35

"Elegy: For a Rahib" by Ellen Moore 42-43

"In this issue the editors of EXILE are proud to publish "In the Wake" by Lewis Clarke. This story has been awarded the semi-annual Denison Book Store - EXILE Creative Writing Prize."

"In the Winter, 1958 issue of THE COLLEGE PUBLISHER, sponsored by Pi Delta Epsilon, National Honorary Journalism Fraternity, EXILE was awarded second place in the national magazine contest. The award was in the category of school enrollment from 1200 to 2500 students."


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