


Drawing by Chris Bradley 1

How Goes the Wombat, Prithee by Jennie Benford 3

Holy Shit (for Mary) by Stephanie Athey 4-5

..... blues by Britton R. Creelman 6

Photograph (anonymous) 7

Prose by Leigh Walton 9-12

San Jacinto by Petersen S. Thomas 13

Rebuttal by Betsy Oster 15

Running Alone by Ann Townsend McMullen 16

Windows in Florence by Michael Parr 17

Rangers by Caroline Palmer 19

Salamapo by Mary Deborah Clark 20-21

Funeral by J. K. Rand 22

Deeds Give No Title by Douglas Jones 23

Be Careful, There's a Straight Bar Next Door by Karen J. Hall 25

The Rivers of Saigon by Alex Dickson 26

2 Sketches by Alfred Sturla Bodvarsson 27

Upon the Occasion of Reading 236 sonnets at One Sitting by Jeff Masten 28

I just believe in Me by Rob Jackson 29

Close by Stephanie Athey 31

Teller by Katherine Fox Reynolds 32

Woman in Greece by Michael Parr 33

Part of the Job by Joan DeWitt 35-44

Contributor Notes 46

"Editorial decision is shared equally among the seven member editorial board." -title page

"Polymorphous: Cover Lithograph by Aimee Creelman"- title page


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