



"The Jagged Edge" by Marge Sessions 16-22

"Friday Is a Lucky Day" by Nil Muldur 28-33

"Punk Days" by Jim Gallant 37-41


"A Re-examination of Faith" by Barbara Haupt 23-27

"A World Manifesto" by Gordon Harper 34-36


"Tom Gordon: A Portrait" by David L. Crook 6-15


"Striving After Wind" by Jesse Matlack 15

"Quiet" by E. B. Chaney 22

"Faith or Flight" by Marylyn Hull 36

"Bernadette" by Sally Falch 42-44

"In this issue the editors of EXILE are proud to publish "A Re-examination of Faith" by Barbara Haupt. This story has been awarded the second Denison Book Store - EXILE Creative Writing Prize."


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