Denison Journal of Religion | Religion | Denison University

Denison Journal of Religion

Denison Journal of Religion has been published annually by the Department of Religion since its inception in 2001. The goal of the journal is to promote undergraduate research on religion. All articles are written by Denison students, who critically reflect on the issues of religion. Regardless of their academic disciplines, any Denison students can submit their appropriate research papers.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Submission Guidelines

  1. If you are interested in submitting your research paper (e.g. term papers, summer research, senior research, directed study) to the Denison Journal of Religion, please, contact the Religion Chair or any Religion faculty for inquiry.
  2. A typical length of an essay is between 3000 words and 5000 words.
  3. The journal uses the Chicago Style of Manual with footnotes and a bibliography at the end of the essay.
  4. We only accept submissions via email. Email your essay to the Religion Chair and student editors as an attached Word document (no PDF). The essay should be saved as DJR_Last Name.
  5. All submitted essays will be peer reviewed.

Current Volume: Volume 18 (2019)



Note from the Editor
Eva Rosenthal


The Economics of the Guru
Margaret Mahoney


Jim Crow Jesus
Sky Paxton


Two Essays on and with Dōgen
Conor J. Loy and Owen Crum


Student Editor
Eva Rosenthal
Faculty Editorial Board
John Cort
John Jackson
Maia Kotrosits
Martie Roberts
K. Christine Pae
David Woodyard


Special thanks to Jodi Weibel, Academic Administrative Assistant for all she has done to make this publication possible