Looking Back, Looking Forward


Looking Back, Looking Forward

Repository Publisher

Denison University

Publication Date

Fall 1990

Date Issued

March 2013


Fall 1990 calendar of Women's Programs with descriptions and photos. Events: Marci McCaulay, Psychologist: "So You've Taken Care of Everybody Else - Now What About You?"; WOMEN'S HEALTH FAIR; CHARLENE JENDRY, Gorilla Expert, Columbus Zoo: "Free-Ranging and Captive Gorillas"; WOMEN'S VOICES; KATHLEEN SMITH, Public Health Veterinarian, Ohio Department of Health: "Rabies"; AIDS AWARENESS WEEK/THE NAMES PROJECT QUILT; ADVOCATE COUNSELOR TRAINING; Presentation of the Grace Lyon Alumnae Award; PAM CLAAR, RESEARCHER: "The Coyote in Ohio"; MARCIA ANN GILLESPIE: Sexism and Racism"; DR. TERESA HORTON, Kent State University^ "Maternal Transfer of Photoperiodic Information to the Fetus: Seasonal Adaptations"; PLAY: "The Miss Firecracker Contest"; MARY WEILAND ZEPERNICK: "Crossing Borders: Women and Power"; PUBLIC LECTURE: GUERILLA GIRLS.

Document Type
