About one twenty seven

This is the archival exhibit of Dr. Paul Djupe's blog, one twenty seven. The blog looks into empirical social and institutional patterns at Denison University that are relevant to the community. Its goal is to challenge or confirm conventional wisdom and promote reflection on practices and beliefs. One twenty seven covers a broad range of topics, provided there is data to support its inquiries. The guiding principle is to seek truth through data in good faith.

Where have the parties gone?

Where have the parties gone?

The War on Campus

The War on Campus

AI Use is Growing

AI Use is Growing

Young Adults are Shifting Away From Drinking - How about Denison?

Young Adults are Shifting Away From Drinking - How about Denison?

AI Use on Campus

AI Use on Campus

Are Republicans Resurging

Are Republicans Resurging

The D Key

The D Key

Religion on Campus: A Minority Are Religious And With a Foot Out the Door

Religion on Campus: A Minority Are Religious And With a Foot Out the Door

Commiment to Wokeness on Campus

Commiment to Wokeness on Campus

Do Denisonians Have Wild Perceptions of Who Faces Discrimination, too?

Do Denisonians Have Wild Perceptions of Who Faces Discrimination, too?

Do Relationships Still Make Great Colleges?

Do Relationships Still Make Great Colleges?

Energy Drinks: The Scourge of Studying?

Energy Drinks: The Scourge of Studying?